fol.24vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 11 July 1594 Master Bodley to my L. From the Haghe. lyklood that Gronynghen will be rendred
Later Addition: 11 July 94
May it please yo[r good L. since the writing of my former, we have lettres from the campe, that the next day after the taking of the Ravelin, those of Groeninghen sent a messenger, to request of Co. Maurice to summon them againe, and that then they had resolved to capitulat with him without further delay. But he would not condescend to summon them againe: so muche onely was obtained that if they sent their hostages presently, they should be ad- mitted, and that the states upon their comming would also send their Deputies, to treate with the towne. This answear being given the messenger returned, and what hath folowed upon it, we are not yet advertised: but by all kinde of likelihoode, they will not stand upon the summons, nor they will not refuse any reasonable conditions, suche as I am certaine will be offered unto them, so that we make full account, that the towne will be surrendred in fower or five daies. From the Hage. July 11 1594. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley