Letter ID: 0599
Reference: TNA, PC 2/20/261
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0599/000
Date: 04 March 1593
Note: Privy Council copy.
Copy of: 0009


A lettre to Master Bodeley. wheras Sir william Reade knight in that tyme of the imploiement of the late Earle of Leycester in those Lowe Countreys had severall charges in the the paie of the States generall there as Sergeant Major of their Army, Governor of Bergen opt Zome, and as Capten of a Companie of footemen at severall Entertainementes as by sondrie warrantes for his paie under the hand of the said Earle maie appeare upon the which there is due unto him as he alleagethe certaine sommes of money amounting to xvij[C] li and [so .] appearing by the said warrantes. Forasmuchas upon his humble Peticon her Majestie hathe ben pleased at this tyme by her spetiall lettre to recomend to the States his suite unto them for paiement and satisfaction of the sommes due unto him. We have thought good in his favor to requier you to deliver her Majesties lettre to the States, and to sollicite them in his behalf (as so directed from her Majestie that at her instance they wilbe contented to yeild him presente paiement of somuch as he shall make proofe to be due unto him, or such reasonable satisfaction as he have no furder cause of recourse in this case to her Majestie or if they shall refuse so to doe that then they certefie their answeare in writing suche as they shall like to delaie that upon consideracion therof had her Majestie maie be further moved in compasse of the gentleman to afforde him suche other assistance for the recovery of his due as in Justice shall appartaine Herein we praie you to use your best and uttermost endevour in the behalf of the gent, from whom you shalbe informed particularlie in what termes he presentlie standethe in reguard of his former parsuite made unto the States in this case, and what maie be answeared to the objections they shall make against his warrantes and demaundes whereunto we will referre you.