fol.96vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 14 April 1593. Master Bodeley to my L. Recommendes the suite of the Inhabitantes of Flushinge for Captain Randolphe & Wingefieldes debtes.
Later Addition: 14 April 93
May it please your good L. I am earnestly solicited by certaine Deputies of the towne of Flushing, to recommend once againe the suite of their towne, in the behalf of certaine widowes, to whome the companies of Captains Randolf and Wingfield were indebted. They did injure me muche, as I certified your L. about two daies past, to say that I had promised in her Majesties name the moitie of the debt: wheras two yeres agoe (for so long it is, sins they spake with me about it) because they seemed to affirme, that it was her Highnes meaning, to put them out of that doubt, I shewed them that letter, which your L. writte unto me, which contened no other promise, but that if the states would yelde to give some portion, it might be an occasion, to move her Majestie to doe somwhat. Which they thinke in effect, had the nature of a promise and therupon, as they say, they persuaded with the states, to pay the one halfe, whereto they accorded with very muche adoe, and onely with condition, that her Majestie would be pleased, to discharge the re- mainder, and till then they would give nothing, as they have not done hitherto. The mater thus resting, I would humbly beseeche yowr L. that some suche answear may be made, as they may have no more occasion, to use this importu- nitie. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. April 14 1593. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley