Letter ID: 0433
Reference: TNA, SP 84/46/76 f.76r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0433/000
Date: 30 March 1593
Copies: 0015



Later Addition: 30 March 93

Endorsed: A clause taken out of Master Bodeleys lettre towching Sir William Reade/

Later Addition: 30 March 1593


To a second lettre of your Lps of the 4th of this present, which I received synce the former, with one from hir majestie to the Generall States in the favor of Sir William Reade, I can returne no present aunsware not having delivered hir majesties lettre, for tht there are no Deputies to fournishe an Assemblie, nor no Apparance of any to mete a longe tyme.: In which regard I have advised the messenger that brought it to repaire againe sone for the avoyding of Charges And as towching his suite I will do in tyme Convenient what is possible for me and procure from the States an answare in writing which I will send unto your LLes, and likewise to Sir William./ But to impart to your LLes my private opynion I do ghesse by my Conference with a principall office in this place, for the Accomptes of the Countrie, That howsoever Sir William Reade Claymeth great sommes of money they will make such defalkations, as it semeth in the end they will Conclude him in arrerages./ Martij 30 1593