Later Addition: [To Master] Bodly
Master Bodly sence my last I heare out of the Country that the forces which weare assembled for the rescue of Gertrudenberg are returned agayne to their Garisons, and that the Cownt Charles unwillinge to part so far from the frontiers of Fraunce hath assured them /of those partes/ that he will beseage ostend and that he will eyther take it or make the states leave ther seege before Gertruden berge and Groningen.I would not faill to advertise you heare of that you may help to solicitt the states to send heather preasently provision of powder Matche, Bulletes, Tooles to worke withall, Musketes, pykes, and all soche other thinges as are necessary for a seege, which because I know how moche you tender her Majestys service, I am suer you will procure with all Care, and so have I wrytten to her Majesty.
Thus sir, with my most harty Commendations to your self and Master Gilpin so will Committ you [.] Aprill 1593 your very loving freend Edward Norreys