Sithence the writeng of this inclosed, I understand by letters entercepted, that the Count Maunsfeild assembleth his forces about Gaunt, which the greatest brute is theie should /be/ imployed for the levying the siege of Gerternbargh. and that besides the Spaniards which are drawne out of Dunkerke and Newporte there are certaine numbers drawne out of everie forte. Besydes ther is expected 4000 out of Lorein. and is thought Count Charles will returne but not knowne, If their forces [In margin: [.] the [.] [asemlly] is [.re] this towne [.] stand [.] my Gard.]
be intended for this Towne I will stand uppon my guard. Meane tyme I thought good to advertice thus much of our newes out of the Countrey, that you maie impart the same to the States for their better enformacion. And even so I recommend me verie hartelie unto you and commend you to the highest protection from Ostend this vt of Aprill 1593. Your most assured loving freind Edward Norreys
Postscript: La Motte hath bene in [.] the townes heare abowtes [.] get waggens and pr[i.] Letters from Brussels of the last [.] it appeareth that they have Gertrudenberge have promised Count Maunsfeld to howld out one monthe or tow These partes are in very Great feare I am your most assured frend [Edward Norreys]