fol.31vEndorsed: [[.]] 1593
Later Addition: [[.]] March [[To]] the LLs of [[the]] Councell.
May it please yowr good LL. That which I had in charge, by yowr LL. lettre of the 7 of this moneth, for the company of Sir John Poley, to be sent to Ostende, I have proposed to this Councel, who also desire it very earnestly themselves. But the companie being nowe at the siege of Gertrudenbergh, they make it a mater prejudicial to the Contrey, to withdrawe them on the soddaine, while they are in actual service. And though they of themselves should be willing therunto, yet thei knowe that Co. Maurice will stay them for the time. For having taken the Fort before Gertrudenbergh, which is thought will occasion the losse of the towne, it is nowe that the Enemie must attempt their reliefe, and that the states much con- tinue their forces together. They doe promise not- withstanding, that with the first opportunitie, when this action is perfourmed, or before, if it may be, and as they finde it in reason for the contreis greatest benefit, they will send away the horseband. Wherof I will not faile, to put them in remembrance, and so I have advertised the Gouvernor of Ostende.To By a second letter of yowr LL of the 4 of this present, which I receaved sins the former, with one from her Majestie to the General states, in the favor of Sir William Reade, I can returne no present answear, not having delivered her Majesties letters, for that there are no Deputies, to fournishe an as- semblie, nor no appearance of any to meete a long time. In which respect I have advised the messenger /that brought it/ to repaire againe home, for the avoiding of charges. And as touching his suite, I will doe in time convenient, what is possible for me, and fol. 31v
and procure from the states an answear in [[.]] which I will send unto yowr LL and likew[[ise]] Sir William. How be it /But/, to impart to yow /to yowr LL/ /of his fav[.]/ my privat opinion, I doe ghesse by some con[[.]] /the meane [.]/ [In margin: which I have had ther /upon/]
with a principall officer of the accountes of the [[.]] /for of the [.]/ /for those mater[[.]]/ that howsoever Sir William Reade demandeth /clameth/ [[.]] summes of mony, they will make suche defa[[.]] as it seemeth in the end, they will conclude [[.]] Arrerages. And thus in hope that I have satisf[[.]] yowr LL. therein, I /most humbly/ take my humble leave. Hage. March 30.