fol.287vLater Addition: 16 November 1592 Master Bodly
Later Addition: Master Bodley
Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I doe not write with any hope, that this my letter will finde your L. in Flushing. But yet this post comming to me, and having newly now receaved by my L. Burghes servaunt, a letter from your L. of the last of October. I could not but signifie of the shocke deliverie, and also thanke yow most hartely for the mater of your letter. It hath eased me greatly of a great deal of me- lancholie. For I doubt not a whitte, but that yow may have good meanes, to knowe what is intended as touching my returne: and what yow knowe, I make account, yow will signifie unto me, assone as yow may. Which in truth I shall esteeme as a singular benefit among a great many former, for which I hold my self deepely indebted to your L. I am sorie for that yow write of the weakenes of your body, that it should so continue. But yet I trust the aire of England, and the light of your frindes, will restoare yow very quickly. I pray yow hartely if yow heare, what is said to be /the/ errand of Sir Thomas Wilkes unto the states, lett me have a letter from yow, though I think yow will be gone, before this come unto yow. And so I bidde yow for this present most hartely farewell. From the Hage November 16 Your L. assured and at commaundement Tho. Bodley