fol.281vAddressed: A Monsieur Monsieur Sidney chevalier et Gouverneur de la ville de Vlissingnes Vlissingnes
Endorsed: 23 August 1592. From Master Bandley
Later Addition: Sir Thomas Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I doe assure your L. this mater of withdrawing the companies from hens doth move this people not a litle. But to say the very truth, they have no suche occasion, as they doe pretend. For the troupes of Count Philip, which are lately returned, and the levie of Juliers, which are come a great part to sheremberg already, will amount to a great nomber, /nomber/ then all the Englishe that are sent for. For mine owne part, /part/ what with delivering her Majesties messages, reporting againe their asweares, and replieng cotinually with other thinges appertinent, both my head and my handes have every day their fill. When the companies are departed, I have had so many promises to be revoked from hens, the time of my im- ploiment hath bin so long in this service, and I have notified so plainely the necessitie of my state, as then, me thinkes, I should not doubt of some present /present/ parfourmance. But if it should not so happen, I must addresse my self parforce /perforce/ with some greater i/m/portunitie to her Majestie and the LL. /Lords./ If my house in London /in London/ had bin voide, it had bin for your L /Lordship/ and for no man so soone. But truly my state is so mightily disordered, as I can lette it goe not longer, but that ether I or my wife must be alwaies at home, and that will cause her to remaine, till I doe returne fol.280v