fol.277vAddressed: A Monsieur Monsieur de Sidney chevalier et Gouverneur de la Ville de Vlissingnes.
Later Addition: Master Bodly 2 June 1592
Later Addition: Master Bodley
Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
Your Lordship may perceave by the copie of that letter, which I sent my Lord Tresurer /Tresurer,/ to what effect I heave dealt with my masters the states. I have praied Sir Fra/ncis Vere/ to impart it unto yow: but I knowe not in what sort, nor with whome I might request yow to further the mater. For both the Count and the Councel, and this as- semblie of the states, Is as deafe as is possible. Me thinkes in the end, it will but prove a sommer storme. As any thing commeth of it, ether heere in conference /con,/ for that I have not yet their answeare, or from home /home/ by other lettres, I will acquaint your L. with it, and leave yow for this present /present./ At the Hage. June 2 1592. Your L. at commaundement Tho. Bodley.