fol.274vAddressed: A Monsieur Monsieur de Sidney chevalier et Gouverneur de la ville de Flissingnes
Later Addition: Master Bodley 26 April 1592
Later Addition: Master Bodley
Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
Though I knowe not a jote of any newes, that is worth the writing to your Lordship yet the opportunitie of this bearer, and the receat /receit/ of your lettre of the 20 of the present /present,/ which was brought me this morning, will not suffer me to be silent. We doe nothing but hear often, what occurrence this winde will bring us out of France, which we hope will redound to all or good Likinges. And if it come so well to pass, we must cast a watchfull eye to the doinges of this people. For undoubtedly there are some that will advise upon the Suddaine, to play an jadishe /jadishe/ tricke. I feare Master Buzenval doth no very good offices: for that I see that the chiefest are excee- dingly frenchefied: as in deede they were alwaies: but lately more then ever. I am wholy of your opinion /opinion/ for Sir Edward Norreis proceeding. It may amend for a moneth, or perhaps a litle more: but in the ende there is no remedie, they must be contented, to lette him live as regulus /Regulus./ Which doth make me to prognosticat, that his dealing in time will cause a great deal of trouble between her Highnes and this contrey. But of this at your coming, till when and alwaies, I wishe very hartely yor greatest prosperitie. From the Hage. April 26 1592. Your L. most affectionate and at commaundement Tho. Bodley.