fol.241vAddressed: To the right worshipfull Sir Robert Sidney knight L. Governor of the towne of Flushing
Endorsed: Master Bodley 9 April 1592
Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I am glad that my lettre was opened /opened/ by your Lordship For it gave yow some occasion to write that lettre unto me, which happely otherwise I had missed for that time I pray yow aske me no pardon /pardon/ for opening of lettres /giving of Lettres/ For I doe give yow a warrant document to doe it of purpose, aswell as unwares. To what termes Sir Edward Norreis hath reduced his affaires, I knowe Master Gilpin will informe yow at large. I do not doubt, but though he write to some frindes to solicit his returne, yet he writeth to the chiefest to solicit the contrary. For I knowe not who at home will provide him so well. My Lord Treasurer doth intreat me somwhat earnestly, to frinde him what I can: and I propose for my L/ord/ to do my uttermost endevor, though Sir Edward and his frindes deserve but litle at my handes. And though I see not as yet, howe maters can be caried, but with a special staine unto his credit: yet I thinke in the end if he will folowe good advise, he shall escape better cheape, then his dealing doth deserve. Heere is nothing sturring, that is worth the telling to your Lordship. This I have written to give this bearer some cariage. If your Lordship see Master Gent, I pray yow for my sake aswel as his owne, to bidde him welcome to Flushing /Flushing/. From the Hage. April 9 1592 Your Lordship all at commaundement Tho Bodley.