fol.175vAddressed: To the honorable Sir Robert Sidney knight L. Governor of Flushing
Later Addition: 10 January 1591
Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
Although I come very weery from a tedi- ous dispatche, that I have made by this bearer, yet I may not lette him passe without a letter to your L. which I would stuff as full of thankes, as I can any way devise, for the kindnes of your letter that yow sent by Captain Browne. But because I am per- suaded yow are no lover of ceremonies, I hold it sufficient, to give yow harty thankes I would your L. being in England, could hasten my returne, which I have ear nestly of late, and oftentimes solicited. But I am willed by her Majestie to have patience till the spring: which yet I feare very much will pass the [.] It doth come me greatly ill to passe in my privat estat. If the opportunitie should serve, that a worde of your mouthe might further that suite, I pray yow affourd it. For any thing else I have nothing to re- quest yow, but to keepe your love unto me, and to defend me where yow come, and where yow see there is occasion. Which if any special service, or token of kinde affection, towardes yow or any of yours, may requitte in any sort, I pro- test unto yow unfainedly it shall not be omitted. I have no di- rection out of England, for any company to be sent unto yow, nor any kind of newes to advertise yow from hens, which is not knowen to this bearer. Ther is a Passport graunted by the Council of state, to the Baron of Reide, one of the Emperores Ambassadors at Brussels, who earnestly solicited, to be suffered to come hither. And because he is taken for an honest favourer of their cause, and well attended in religion, they are willing he should come, hoping by his presence, to returne him an answear, that shall shake of all the rest. Having no more mater nor leasure, I take my leave of your L. Hage January 10 1591. Your L. most affectionat and at commaundement Tho. Bodley