Letter ID: 1189
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.328r-330v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1189/000
Date: 21 September 1592
Copy of: 0419


May it please your good L. I have sent with this lettre the abbreviat of a muster, which was lately taken of the companies, that are under Sir Francis Vere. They have bin many wayes diminished by the service of this sommer, as will be written to your L. by Sir Francis himself: but by nothing so much, as by their cumming away, sins warning was given for their going into France. For which I am parsuaded, that they will be many fewer, at their comming to Flushing, and have taken therefore order, that they shall at their arrival be mustered againe. Sir Francis Vere and the Captaines are gone thither already, and attend the comming of the companies: which have bin stopped these 12 dayes, through the roughnes of the winde, which is against them at this present: which I thinke in like maner is the stay of my lettres, that have bin written in that behalf. I have signified in my last, what order I have taken for supply of the companies that are appointed out of Berghen. As yet I doe not know, how the States of Zeland doe digest it. But I make full account, that they will use but small delay. Having sent to the campe for Sir Nicholas Parkers officers to prepare his horseband for Britaine, as yet I have receaved no answear againe, but Sir Nicholas himself in comming out of England, hath passed by the Hage, and I have signified unto him her Majesties pleasure: who is also ready to parfourme as much as is required. He doeth onely request to have some time for his souldiers, having bin in the field for 5 moneth together, to repare their furniture. He alleageth besides that many of his troupe being Dutche, and divers of them maried (as there are in like maner in Sir John Poleis company) he shall hardly be able to induce them to goe with him: and those that shall fol.328v
be wonne, will be craving of time, to make their provision. And where I have parsuaded him, to exchange with Sir John Poley, and to take some others in the places of those that are maried and are loth to depart, he affirmeth that the most of the horses, which are of his company, are bought by himself, as he thinkes Sir John Poley will pretend the very same, and that in comming to exchange, they shall hardly come to agree, in the valuing of their horses one against an other. Moreover there is no impost appointed to be given to his company, to make provision for their victuals and all other necessaries, as there is unto the footmen. For nothing hath bin written to my self about it, and the officer of the Tresurer hath receaved no order. Lastly it is some grief to Sir Nicholas Parker, that having allwayes commanded under Sir Francis Vere, he should fall in his credit to a lower degree, and having no charge be commanded by an other, whom he thinketh he must serve but for a garde of assurance. I have answeared these objections as well as I could, and I have written to the Councel, and to Count Maurice, to graunt him a pasport to come unto Berghen, to put his troupe in order, and to make their provision. I have also promised, if neede shall require, to be an indifferen[t] arbiter betweene him and Sir Poley, in the passing of their horses from one to an other: that I trust I sha[ll] prevent all occasion of contention. Heere [ys] nothing yet concluded, for any further imployment [of] their forces in the field: albeit they have bin long [in] consultacion about it. their opinions, I heare, [are] very divers therein. Some doe hold it be[st] to send the soldiours for a time to refreshe themse[lves] fol.329r
in their garrisons. Others would proceede to the taking of Grolle and Oldenzeel, and other small townes in the Twente and Drente. There are also some that would endevour to blocke up all the passages that laide into Groeninghen, which they make an easie mater. It is proposed by some others, that they should give an attempt upon the towne of Bolduke: or make a bridge to passe the Rhine by Sgravenert, and so by skowring that cost, to hinder the returne of the Enemies forces, which are thought to be as yet, with the chiefest of their strength about Oldenzeel: attending, as it seemeth, what we will resolve. The state is somewhat troubled with Count Maurices courses. For although it be so that he hath spedded very happely in this enterprise of Coe- voerden, yet the expense of time and of mony hath bin excessive, and might have bin lessened in many respects if he would have obeyed the states resolution. For which I finde by their speeches, that if he had missed of taking the place, they would have shortened his authorite in sundry speciall pointes: as it may be paradventure they intend to doe as yet. For sins the winning of the Castel, he hath committed the custody of it to the states of Frisland: against an expresse charge to the contrary from the Councel of Estate, and directly, as they say, against his othe as governour of Overyssel, to whome, as all men affirme, it ought in all reason to have bin delivered. Wherat not onely they, but the rest of the Provinces doe greatly repine, reputing it an act both inconsiderat and daungerous. For besides the putting of variance betweene the two Pro- vinces, which have lived of late, for other like occasions in very badde neighbourhood, it will set the Province of fol.329v
Frise in so great a securitie in regard of the Enemy that such as are acquainted with the humour of the people, doe thinke assuredly that being men full of stomacke, opposit in their dealings, over sparing in their charges, and in all their proceedings very willfully bent, they will not for heerafter be contributours to the warres, but in such a proportion as they list themselves. I am half of opinion, and many men thinke it certaine, that upon this departure of the Englishe companies, and the contreis pretence, that the Contract is broken, they will not long continue this Councel of Estate, but take some other forme of government. Howbeit because they stande in some hope, that her Majestie doth but purpose to withdraw them for a time, they may happely differ their intended innovation. Moreover I am parsuaded, that they would be well contented to make a motion to her Majestie or to hearken rather to her Majestie if it should in her behalf be proposed unto them, that they might heerafter be assisted, with the impost of some mony, and with a great deale lesser summe then is spent by her Highnes at this present: or is some suche other sort, as both her Majestie may be eased in the burden of her charges, and the contrey relieved with a competent aide. Which I write unto your L. but onely by conjecture, not having bin moved in the mater by any. And as touching the dissolving of the Councel of Estate, considering how farre their autoritie is abridged, it [can] be nothing prejudicial to any purpose of her Majestie[. For] where the Treaty doth ordaine, that the governour generall [for] her Majestie and the Councel of Estate shall order all aff[aires] appertening to the warres, and to the government of [the] contrey, her Majestie undoubtedly by that course might recea[ve,] being duely put in practise, a very singular bene[fit] fol.330r
But there is nothing now parformed of all that was contracted, but onely in an outward formal shewe, the States assuming to themselves the direction of every action. I receave at this instant a lettre from Count Maurice, wherin is signified unto me that he hath retained the horseband of Sir Nicholas Parker, upon hope that her Majestie being informed of the great discommoditie which the contrey shall receave, through the losse of his company, whereof he prayeth me earnestly to advertise her Highnes she will change her forsaid purpose. I have sent heere withall the copie of his lettre: and by one of the Councel, which came from Swoll unto the Hage, I have bin instantly moved in the name of all the rest, to the same effect as the Count hath written. Wherupon cosidering with my self, how much the contrey is grieved already, that the footmen are withdrawen, I have thought it very meete for her Majesties better service, to give them some content, and to stay the urging of the mater, till I heare once againe how her Majestie is affected: which I am also constrained to attend of necessitie, for that the company till then, will be hardly put in readines. Howbeit as your L. may parceave by the writing of the Count, if her Majestie in her purpose, to have the company away, continue still resolut, there will be no resistance.

There are also sent unto me, from the Councel of Estate 3 intercepted Englishe lettres, of which I have sent you the originals heerewith. They were taken from one that was coming from Collen, with divers other Spanishe and Italian lettres, of which one was from Rome from the Spanishe Ambassadour, and was written in ciphers, and is committed to one that will travell to decifer it: and fol.330v
likewise those wordes, that are written in cipher in the English lettres. Whatsoever shall be found shall be signified to your L. The rest of the lettres in Italian and Spanishe contened litle mater, but of the comming to Paris of the Duke of Ferraria, of the election towardes of the Lieguers Kinge, and of cartels gone abroade betwene Parma and Mantua, and the Marquis of Guasto. There was one of Collen among the rest, that had written divers lettres to Anwerp and Brussels, without putting to his name, and used those wordes, which I send your L. in a schedule, in 3 of his lettres, which me thinkes may import, as if they looked out of England, for some newes extraordinarie. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 7ber 21 1592.