Later Addition: July [[To]] my L. Treasurer
May it please your good L. Upon my letters unto you of the 15 16 and 19 of this present I do onely now attend, what her Majesty will commaund, for dispatche of the companies. It is advertised hether that the enemy on the suddaine hath passed the Rhine, betweene Berck & Wesel with a 1000 foote and 300 horse. Their purpose is yet unknowen: but it seemeth by conjecture that they are called by Verdugo to the castell of Grolle, who being there in parson hath a meaning as it is thought, to do somwhat by surprise in the quarters of Zutphen, which are very ill provided of men & munition, or to seeke to distresse the camp before Coeveorden. The Councel at Swoll are somwhat troubled with this occurrence, & have written earnestly unto mee, that the Englishe ensignes might be suffred to repaire to the campe, or at least to come from Hattem, Hardewick, Elbourg, and those other places remote, where they lie now in garrison, and be placed at Disbourghe for the assistance of the towne & of the contrey joyning to [it] the self same motion hath bin made by the states that are heere with urgent speeches of parswasion to draw mee to allowe theyr coming to the campe. But both mine answere unto them & to the Councel of state hath bin to this effect, that my commission was presise to put the companies in a readines with all expedition, & to send them presently from hence when her Highnes should require yt, This could not be parfourmed nor I excused in my dealing, if her Maajesty having notice of theyr being in garrison, & wee expecting every howre for theyr calling from hence, they should be sent abroad againe to do some service at the campe. Howbeit for that fol.263v