fol.250vAddressed: To my verie loving freind Master [[Bodley]] Councellor for her Majestie [[.]] of the united [[Provinces]] at the Hagh
Endorsed: From [[.]] of July 1592.
Later Addition: [[13]] July [[T]]o Master Bodly
Sir sence my Returne hether I receyved these letters hereinclosed, which I have cawsed presently to be conveyed unto you, desiring you that you will farther the sending away of those two Companys assoone as may be possible, for the Ennemy doeth lye very stronge heare Rownd abowte us, and is every day before our Gates so that we dare not looke out, besides the watche /gardes/ is so great of the owld towne and the new, that with these vij Companyes we are not able to howld them, so that if the Ennemy doe Remayne abowt us as they are determyned we shall be overtwatched for we are faine to be in armes every night through the Contynuall alarmes of the ennemy they have allready buylt blankenberge and two sconces more and to determyne to build others Very neere us, if the states meane to Draw any profitt or honor from these parts, the must send hether a good force of horse and foote which I refer unto thee wisdome only I speake for that which concernes the safe keeping of fol.249vmy brother comendes him hertely unto you and thankes you for your good remembrance of him, I pray you that in the place of Captain allens Company which went out of this towne, Captain Willyams may be sent hether, and wheras the Cownsell have wrytten to me to Rec[[ommend]] Captain Buck and Captayne Lambart and to s[[end]] two from hence into [Frawnce, I pray [[.]] that Captain medkerke may be the one, an[[d]] I will send Captain Wenman from hence [[.]] as they come hether, I pray you Come[[nd]] me most hertely to Master Gilpin to who[[m I]] would have wrytten but that this Lo[[.]] fol.250r
hath allmost spent the tyde,
Lastly I must most earnestly entreate you to remember my Entertaynment for no man can think that iiij nobles a day can mayntayne a governer in so deare a place, you know that her Majestes Lyvetenant governers have so moore, and I mervell that the states will alleage the consequence in this case, for ther is no Government alike, as first devided by sea from all the rest of the provinces, freendes, wherby all thinges are Exceadinge deare,
Secondly the whole Garrison is defrayed by her Majesty without any cost unto them, how can they then stick at the Entertaynment of a poore Governer Especially seeing it must be paid out of mony Gotten by the garrison from the Ennemy I meane contrybution These Reasons Sir, and your Care, and wisdome, will I hope procure some better consideration then hetherto they have had of me,
Now restes nothing but to Commend my self most hartely unto you wishing you all honor from ostend this xiij July. 1592 Your most assured loving frend Edward Norreys