Letter ID: 1138
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.195r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1138/000
Date: 04 May 1592

Endorsed: To Sir Ed. Norreis May 5 1592



Later Addition: May To Sir Edward Norris From Master Bodly

Sir to the self same effect as yor lettre doth request [[.]] for the furderance of the cause my L. Treasurer hath [[written]] very earnestly unto mee. To whom to tell you truly [[I]] did signify againe, what had moved mee of late to forb[[eare]] from any dealing in any action of yours: not for want of [[.]] good affection to serve your turne in any thing, but bec[[ause]] I found that of your self I was not rightly understoode, & [[.]] of your friendes a great dele woorse: who had medled [[in]] matters not fit for theyr medling & don mee greater wrong, then they could answere with theyr credit. Neverthel[[es]] besides that his L. mighte command me in any thing [[.]] the unfained love that I had borne to your self above others was redy to forget any former unkindenes. Wheruppon I shall request you that as you finde mee in my deeds & by trew information, & not by glavering reportes of yll ministers about you so to constrew my proceeding, & not to be parswaded that seing I have affected you as much as any whoseoever of your greatest welwillers not for any benefit or hope of any benefit, but in regard of your vertue & your honorable conversation I will not now be wonne to hurt you & in a matter that doth neither advantage nor concerne mee. Heer is nothing yet resolved about sending for you hether or sending any unto you. For they are so buisied about theyr services towardes as they will hearken to nothing els. But if I were as you I would se[nd] them a curteous letter, & pretend where you are your [[.]] excessive charges, & the necessity of your presence in th[[t]] place of that goverment, & so departe. For then [[in]] your absence & winning of time I shalbe able to [[do]] somwhat for the ending of these quarrels to your bett[[er]] contentation, & so I bid you for this present most hartely farewell. 4 May 1592.