Later Addition: Belgia 1592 25 March To Master Bodly
Sir. Your last letter I have recevid is of the xvth of [[this mo-]] neth, by which emongest other thinges, I find that yowe [[are desi-]] rous to have hir Majesties pleisure signified unto yowe in two things. [[The]] first is, howe yowe shall awnsweare the Emperors Ambass[[adors in]] the matter [semed] to be offred by him to induce the Emperor to se[[nd an]] Ambassade to hir Majestie, for the Treatie of Peace, and the [[.]] hir Majestie being acquainted with your owne manner of proceedi[[ng]] with that Ambassador alloweth vearie well therof, wisshing [[.]] to continue the same kinde of language as of your self, not provoking him thereto in hir Majesties name, but to declare your opinion, that hir Majestie will never mislike of anie motion to [[.]] soe she maie finde it with good sinceritie, and from soe gre[[at a]] Prince as the Emperor is, yowe cannot thinke but yt shall [[be]] well accepted: all which speeches must be used as of your self [[.]] as directed from hir Majestie./.The second matter is for Induccion of the States theare to be [[.]] to send this Sommer time, sum of their forces to aide the [[French]] Kinge, wheareof she alloweth greatlie, with the Caution [[.]] by your self, that yt be not stirred in before the full accord [[of]] Contribucion of the provinces intended for the warre this next [[year]] least the evill willers to the matter of France, showld [[dissuade the]] Contribucion for the warre of France, seeing the same hath been propounded to make warre theare at home./.
At this time yowe shall receive letters from my LLs of the C[ouncil] uppon occasion of letters sent from thence of late unto hir M[ajestie] to treate with the Counsell theare that Sir Edward Norris, [[who is]] called to appeare before them to awnsweare to such thinges [[as they]] have to Charge him withall, whearein I doe frendlie requ[[est yowe]] to deale in all good sort as Sir Edward Norris maie thinke him beholdinge unto yowe, wheareof I doe not write for anie [[.]] I have my self, but both yowe have and will showe him [[all the]] favor that yowe maie, against the Burghers of thos Couns[[ell]] but because I doe knowe yt that he himself hath other w[[ise]] conceived dowbtfullie of your dealinge for him: And in soe d[[oing]] I shall thinke my self beholding to yowe, for that [[.]] Gentleman both for himself and parentes. From the [[Cort]] xxvth of Marche. 1592. Your verie Lovi[nge] fren[de] William Burghley