Letter ID: 1105
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.34r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1105/000
Date: 1592
Copy of: 0377


May yt please your good L. In my former lettres of which I writt my last the 4th of this moneth I have made rehersall to your L. of all that hethertoo hath passed aswell in publik consultation as in private discourses, which I have had in this place in regard of the treaty desired by the Emperor. I did my best endevor to have stopped the licence of Monsieur Bilandt but becaus yt was caried with consent of the most it could not be prevented. He remaineth heere attending the meeting of the States whose coming is expected in 5 or 6 daies, & I hope they will devise within litle of theyr coming, to dispatche him in good sort. I knowe not well for my self when they put mee to my voice, what course I may propose, to concurre as I would with her Highnes intent. But I think there wilbe time to heare from your L, before they will coming to the giving of theyr answer. If it fall out otherwise I know not wheruppon I may better insist, then to move them as I did before the arrival of Monsieur Bilandt, to conceave a good lettre to the Emperor him self, & to signify all the reasons that have caused them hethertoo to refuse his Embassadors: with a summary declaration of all the domage & prejudice, which they have formerly sustained by the practises of Embassadors in the like pretended treaties: & to notefy directly how well they stand affected to the offer of a peace so it be without fraude, & with fitt conditions including theyr neyboures aswell as themselves, & all such clauses of assurance as the present estate of theyr cause doth require. I should judge it expedient that there were coppies of it sent to the Princes of Germany & to others to meet with that report, which is now very rife,& wilbe more in every month if it be not prevented by considerate dealing. That they are an uncivil & a barbarous people & an enemy to peace, having no dessigne before theyr eyes, but to begger other Provinces to enriche themselves, through the benefit of theyr traffique which is all in a manner derived hether, & waxeth greater by these warres then it hath bin heertofore, in peaceable times. By addressing an answere to this effect, they shall not onely free them selves of those hard imputations, which may make them very odious to other nations abroade, but the people of this countrey shalbe by it somewhat more engaged against these treaties of the Enemy, by publishing in writing such actes of opposition. fol.34v
Knowing nothing more then I doe at this present, how her [Majesty in] this matter would be served by mee, I cannot yet under[stand] what waie of proceeding can be lesse prejudiciall to her [Majesty or] to them. I sent your L. heertofore the transcript of [a] lettre which was written by D. Casimire to the Emperor, bea[ring date] the 24 of November & nowe the answere thereof, being come [to my] handes I send it heerinclosed translated out of Dutche. It is written from Collenthat the Embassadors left [at Brussels] are all departed some to Collen, & some to theyr houses [near to] Collen, & that there they will remaine till the an[swer] be given to him: that ys heer. There are also lettres [from] Collen that the Baron of Barenstein,who is the chi[ef of] those Embassadors doth levy at this instant a regiment of [Lance] Knightes for the K. of Spaine, But yt is not beleeved [by Monsieur] Bilandt. The forces appointed for the service of France, [can by] no meanes advance theyr voyage thether for want of a w[ind.] Howbeit the companies are in garrison neer to their sh[ippes,] & shall presently away with the very first winde. If theyr [coming] to the King shalbee greatly to his benefit, according to that [motion which] I lastly made unto you, I thinke her Highnes autority, [and the] instance of the King, may procure theyr continuance for [all this] sommer, & get at the lest 2000 more. For the happ[y success] of the last yeares warres hath so apparantly assured the [body of] these provinces, that if Parma& his forces continew s[till in] France, they may easily keepe theyr owne by way of defence [with the] help of a few, & employ the remainder to the moste annoy[ance of] the enemy. But whether it be convenient I am wholy [to refer] it to your L. consyderation. For I know my want of [judgement] in affaires of this quality, but if her Majesty & the K[ing be] willing unto yt, I doe think assuredly, that there join[t and urgent] sute wilbe greatly respected: if the King in spetiall [will be] earnest for himself. For this is very evident and ob[served] heer of all, that howsoever certaine parsons of the principal [in this] place be seldome times favourers of her Highnes petitions [yet in causes] of the King, they do openly affectate, & every day more, [an] extraordinarie forwardnes which they shew in all theyr actions [and speeches] & cariages whatsoever. & yet by all that I can ge[sse, it] doth not so much proceed of a good affection to the K[ing, as of] a politicke desire in a case of oppression, which they [are]