Later Addition: Belgia. [[. Master B]]odely
Endorsed: Windebanke
Sign Manual: Elizabeth R
By the Queene: Trusty & welbeloved we greete you well. We have heertofore caused our Tresorer of England to signifie unto Sir Thomas Morgan, our pleasurr for the restoring of our servant Charles Chamberlen to the place of Provost Marshall at Berghen ap Zone, wherof because as yet we see not such performance as we expectid & assured our self of, at Sir Thomas Morgans handes, we may remayn somwhat discontented therwith, considering that though the disposing of that place be not in him, yet he might so have wrought with the States that he might have procured Chamberlens restoring. we have therfore now bene pleased to committ theffecting of this matter to you. And therfore we will & commaund you as soone as conveniently ye may, to deale with the States generall or Counsell of State, or bothe if neede so require, & declare unto them our ernest desire for our said servantes restoring to the said place, both in respecte of his well deserving in service there, and that allso we could never as yet heare any Just cause why he should be displaced & an other called Crook [.] farre meaner admitted to that office, between whom and Chamberlen we make greate difference, Chamberlen being a gentleman well borne, howsoever the other may be a good souldior. Ye shall heerin deale so effectually that according to the trust you knowe we repose in you, we may see th'effecte which we meane to Chamberlen, declaring to the States how gratefull the same shall be to us, & that we trust not to be refused in so small a matter. And to Morgan, you shall saye that we know he hath meanes eyther by himself or otherwise to procure Crookes som other charge or place with intertaynment meete for him, which we wish he might have, And that he shew all good favour to Chamberlen, as one that shallbe ready to any thing that he shall commaund him for our service, or that may concerne himself. Gyven under our Signett at our Palace of Westminster the xxiiijth daye of February 1591, in the fowre and thirteth yeere of our Raigne