Later Addition: Master Bodly
Right woorshipfull: after our hartie comendacions, Her ma[jestie] gratiously vouchsafed to graunt her second lettres to the [[.]] there for the revocatinge of their hard edict for taring [[English]] clothes as by the copie thereof, which this bearer shall [[.]] unto your woorship will appeare, We hartely pray your [[worship]] to continue your accustomed good favor to our companie, and [[.]] meanes that with such convenient speede as may be, [[her]] Majesties said lettres may be answered, and we here made [[.]] of the good succes that they may effect, And as her [[.]] worship shall do unto us, a singuler pleasure, so we [[.]] you to assure yourselfe, that yor traveill for us shall [[.]] be extended to unthankfull parsons, And so we hart[[ely]] comend you to the proteccion of the Almightie, London xvjth of Marche 1591 Yours the Governor Assistentes & felo[[es]] of merchantese Adventurers resident [[.]] Richard Saltonstall go[[vernor]]