fol.298vEndorsed: Copie of my letter to your L. the 10 of October 1592.
Later Addition: 10 October 1592
May it please your good L. I was lately requested to come to the assembly of the general states, where one of them declared in the name of the rest, That they had given Monsieur Caron his dispatche unto her Majestie and had proposed by their lettres two special pointes to be considered. One concerned the withdrawing of the companies from hens: that the Contract thereby was apparantly infringed: because they have not that assistance, that was promised unto them. They requested in the other, that some order might be taken, wherby their trafficke might be freed from the Englishe adventurers, by whom the marchants of these contreis were notoriously wronged: and that restitution might be made of all the goods that they deteined: namely belonging to the ship of Tervucel and to two other ships, that have bin taken very lately: of which one is of Middelbourgh, and the other of Amsterdame. In which thre, as they say, they have lost above the value of three score thousand poundes sterling: the parties being in England by whom they have bin spoiled: charging those ships which were at the taking of the late Indian price: whom they accuse in like maner of unmercifull tormenting and killing of their mariners: concluding in the end, and protesting the same very solemnly unto me, that unles som order might be taken, and that very speedely, for redresse of those enormities, they were sure it would occasion some great inconvenience. For all their marchants in a maner, not onely in the townes that I mentioned before, but in sundry other places, did declare very bitterly, and signify plainely to them, that their abilitie would not suffer, nor they could not have the patience, to endure those injuries any longer. Wherupon they thought it requesit, not onely to acquaint me with the effect of their lettres, but to intreate me to testify fol.295v
the discontentment of the contrey, and to concurre in procuring some remedy for it. I promised in my answear, both to signify as much as they had required, and to doe my best endevour, to advaunce their desires. But yet first for the point of breaking the Treaty, I desired to understand, to what effect they would have me, to write unto her Majestie. If it were to solicit the stay of the companies, it was to be supposed that they were ether gone alredy or would be gone very shortly: and in all probability, before it could be possible, to heare out of England. If their purpose were rather, to have some certaine time appointed for returne of the companies, upon intelligence thereof I would second it as much, as they could looke for at my handes. But if they had no other meaning, but to have me signify in general, that they interpret this employment of the companies in France, to be a breache of the Treaty, it had bin done very often, and it was the argument of their answear of the 14 of September which I had sent unto her Majestie. Moreover it would revive an ancient contention, about the keeping of the Contract, that me thought they should desire, to have it put in oblivion. For if it came in any question between her Highnes and them, it would be many wayes declared and proved effectually, that they had swarved so directly from the meaning of the Treaty in a multitude of causes, as it could not be answeared with any colourable reason. As touching those abuses that were offred to their marchants, I lette them understand, that I had newly receaved a copie of the Articles, which Master Caron their Agent had exhibited in England, and had bin lately apostilled by the Judge of the Admiralty, which having delivered to him in this place, I did not fol.296r
doubt but by him were imparted unto them. And for ought that I could see, their marchants might be satisfied with those courses of justice that had bin used in their affaires. Nevertheles if they desired some other forme of proceeding in the hearing of their causes, then had bin practised hetherto and was usual in England, upon knowledge in particular, to what order of dealing they would willingly be subject, I would not faile, as I might, to recommende it to her Majestie.
Having made my answear in this sorte, I might easely parceave, that they stoode at a kinde of stay, wherof I knew not then the cause. For they replied but briefly to me, That they had written to her Majestie and would leave it so as they had written, to her Majesties consideracion. I had conference after with Master Caron, to whom I signified what I had said in that meeting of the States, and how nakedly they spake to that which I demanded: that I knew not what to thinke of their humours in the matters that were moved unto me. Wherto he answeared againe, but under benedicite, That in his speeches unto them, when they gave him his dispatche, he did cast in a maner the self same doubtes, and desired to be informed of their full resolution, as well for requiring the companies againe, as for some order of proceeding in the affaires of the marchants. Withall he shewed the the forme of a certaine commission, which was graunted by her Majestie the 25 of her raigne, to certaine of my LL. of the Privy Counsel, together with some others, to examine and determine all causes of that qualitie, that should touche any subject of the King of Scotland. fol.296v
And if they would be contented to accept of the like, he parsuaded them to thinke, that it should not be denied. To this they told him againe, that first for the mater of the Englishe companies, he should by no meanes be instant, to have them sent againe hither, but onely in general termes make remonstrance of their grief, in that the Treaty was neglected. And for the causes of the marchants, they did not seeme to dislike of that proceeding by way of commission: but yet they would not of themselves become suitours to have it. Because they thought by that meanes they might be overmuch bound and admitte an ill president in referring the decision of their causes into England. Of this I thought very fitte to advertise your L. Yet because it will turne Master Caron to displeasure, if the States should understand it, and he would not greatly like that I should write it to your L. I would willingly committe it as a secret to your self. I had very litle hope that the States would have used his service any longer. For it is not for love that is bearen unto him by the principal heere, nor for any good liking that they have of his dealing: because they judge him to be partiall, and to much addicted to her Majesties designes. But they can hardly finde an other, that is both sufficient for the place, and a man of that carriage, as is meete for them to send to negociat with her Majestie. What intention they may have, in forbidding him expressely to make any sute unto her Majestie to returne her assistance, I can not yet conjecture. For the people of this contrey are diversely affected. Some would parsuade to have her Majestie moved to assiste them for heerafter in some other kinde of sort: as by an annual somme of money: fol.297r
wherby their turne might be served, if the summe were comptetent, to better purpose then before. Others doe desire the continuance of the succours, but yet because they doe see the French Kinges necessity, which they know must be relieved by her Majestie or by them, they are not much unwilling to their imployment in Brittaine: supposing that her Majestie being once embarked in that warre, will maintaine it so roundely, as this contrey will be eased in their imprests to the King. Some others thinke that the contrey is so assured in every Province, as there is no necessitie of her Majesties support. And to the end they might enjoye their gouvernment alone, and be quite of the authoritie which is due unto her by the Contract, they would gladdly be ridde of all the Englishe nation. Whether of these conceates is in the Deputies heere of the general States, I can not say with any certainty. But once I am assured, that howsoever their estate and the qualitie of their parsones doth minister cause to make men thinke that their dealinges are as plaine and inwardly the same, as they are caried in outward shew, yet to say as I finde by their daily proceeding, they are many of them wily and voide of sinceritie, ill affected in their heartes, and unthankfull towardes her Majestie. And whether it be not needfull in that respect, and for their present doubtfull dealing, that some extraordinary care should be taken of the cautionary townes, I know your L. will consider. So much the more for that the contrey at this present is greatly disquieted with these tidinges of the torture and slaughter of their seamen and continuance of their losses, which are amplified allwayes by the marchants report, and the people made beleve, that ether in England fol.297v
they can not be heard, or that they can not have justice. Which I know doth proceede of very passion and malice, through the losse of their goods, but yet undoubtedly heere, it is both a comon speeche and a constant parsuasion, aswell of the chiefe as of the vulgar sort of people: that unles they may receave some speedy satisfaction, it can not choose but engender some dangerous disorder. And how soone it may be wrought by the meanes of badde instruments of which these contreis have enough, I neede not signify to your L. It is written from Brussels, that the King of Spaine doth determine to send thither his sonne, to the ende the people of those Provinces may publickly accept him as lawfull heir unto his father, and take an othe of obedience. They signify withall, that there is a model sent thither for enlarging the palace: which is also begonne and in hand already. This is thought to be a practise, not onely to contene his one /owne/ in devotion, but by some offers to compasse the disuniting of these contreis.
Where it hath bin heere concluded, that their army yet in field, should passe the Rhine about Embricke, to stoppe the passage of the Enemy: it was presently after understood, that 600 horse of the Enemies strength were over already: and that the Duke in like maner was gone from the Spa: wherupon Counte Maurice with his campe attendeth about Embricke, to see what Verdugo will further attempt with the remainder of his forces: who we heare at this present, doth not sturre out of Oldenzeel in the Twente, fol.278r
having lost in a mutinie, for want of pay, 7 enseignes of footmen, which are wholy debanded, and 5 cornets of horse, that are passed the Rhine. It is said therupon that Count Maurice is gone to doe some exploite: but whether it be to fight with Verdugo, while his souldiours doe mutine, or to attempt somewhat els, it is not certified unto us. But unles it be to surprise some place of the Enemy, or to doe some soddaine service by way of incursion, the yere is so much spent, and heere hath fallen so much rain for two moneths together, that it is not possible for the souldiours to keepe the field any longer in a contrey full of marishes. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. October 10 1592.