Letter ID: 0409
Reference: TNA, SP 84/45/168 f.165r-167v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0409/000
Date: 08 August 1592
Copies: 1173



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 8 August 1592. Master Bodeleie to my L. His proceedinges in the Cawse of Collonell Senoye./

Later Addition: 8 August 92


May it please your good L. wheras her Majestie hath eftsoons written in the cause of Coronel Sonoy, and your L. in your last that concerned his affaires, required me to bring it to some finall conclusion: I have done in that respect for the Coronels advantage what was possible for me. But for as muche as his de- maundes are not all of one qualitie, and this people most unwilling to shewe him any kinde of favor, I have bin forced for his benefit to temporise in my dealing, to solicit men in privat, to part his suite into divers motions, and to observe some other courses, which those that are his factors did thinke behoofull to continue. For this occasion I could not write yow, any resolut answear about his buisnes, and to put yow to the trouble of understanding all the causes, of those delaies that were used, considering Master Sonoy was well informed by his frindes, I thought it not convenient. But nowe that all is effected, that I am able to obtene, it may please your L. to be cer- tified, that maters stande in these terms, That of the Coronels whole demaunde, amounting almost to 5000li sterling, there is onely paied unto him 80li for certaine gonnepowder, which he had left of his owne in the towne of Medenblike: and 500li ster- ling more, for that he was indebted to the inhabitants of the towne, which I have gotte to be discharged. But wholy against the heare, and with very muche con- tention in my conference with them. And for that which is remaining of the summe afore mentioned, which is due for arrierages of divers intertenments, I can gette no other answear, albeit I have used very speciall endevors, but that he shall be so considered fol.165v
as the rest of their creditors: which is so sette downe at length, in their booke of resolutions, wherof they have sent me an autentical extract, and the transcript in Frenche shall be joined with this letter, as I have also sent a copie to the Coronel himself. But all their answear in that behalf is no better in effect then a cunning denial. For if they were inclined to any equitie in his suite, they knowe his case doth differ muche, from the most of the rest, to whome the contrey is indebted. For when they made their composition, he was actual gouvernor of the towne of Meden- blike, and they contracted plainely with him, that ether he should continue as gouvernor in the place, or have an /honorable/ discharge, and contentment with reason for all his ser- vices forepast. Wherupon I have insisted, that al- though they doe pretend the want of meanes and abi- litie to pay the summes that he demaundes, yet it is a mater in their power, and a part of their couvenant, to restoare him to his gouvernment. The replie that they make is but a dallieng abuse, by perver- ting the sense of a plaine composition. For they say they are but bounde, to content him with reason: and they thinke he ought to take it for a reasonable con- tentment, in that they promise to intreat him, as the rest of their creditors. Which in effect is no better, but presently to leese the benefit of his gouvernment, and to have as muche as nothing, for his recompense heere- after: and so I have not failed to lette them under- tand. But to impart to your L. my privat conceat, though they themselves will not signifie the mysterie of their meaning in this twart kinde of dealing, yet they make it very manifest by the course of their doinges, and by the cleerenes of their fol.166r
speeches in the causes of some others. For thus they are persuaded, and nothing can be said, that will dissuade them from it, That when my L. of Lei- cester was chosen to this gouvernment, he had a present intention, to make a conquest of the contrey, and that divers suche as Master Sonoy did not onely what they could to second his designes, but were the princi- pall plotters of those intended alterations, that were essaied in divers townes. And this opinion of their disloialtie is rooted so deepely in a nomber of this nation, that though they /seeme/ had for in open shewe, not to seeke to revenge it, they will grieve the parties underhand, by all the meanes they can devise.

Of the occurrences at the Campe, I can not being heere make a perfitte report: and because I doe attend upon her Majesties pleasure, about the sending for the companies, I can not as I would conveniently goe thither. For the states residing heere, with whome I must negotiat in affaires of that nature, if I should be at the campe, with the bringing thither of my letters, and my returning hither againe, there would be peradventure a greater losse of time then her Majestie would like. Touching that which was advertised from the Councel of Estate, that certaine forces of the enemie were marched out of Brabant, and passed the Maese, I knowe not where upon it came, but they speake no more of it. For which the Englishe companies continue still in garrison, and Count Maurice proceedeth in the siege of Coevoerden: having gained already the bourgh before the castell, and beaten downe a great part of the castel it self: whereby his hope is er fol.166v
be long to bring that woorke unto an end.

Upon secret intelligence from certaine in Groeninghen, that sins stenwicke was taken the chief with in the towne are devided among themselves, of which some are desi- rous to treat with these contreis, upon hope of obtening more equal conditions, the states have written to the towne a very kinde letter, which is sent by a trumpet from the campe, whose returne is expected within five or six daies. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. August 8 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley