fol.99vEndorsed: Copie of my letter to your L. July 15 1592.
Later Addition: 15 July 1592
May it please your good L. The 10th of this moneth being come as farre as Swoll, in going towardes the campe, and there attending the arrival of the councell of State, I receaved those lettres and scedules, which her Majestie and my LL. and your L. sent unto mee bearing date the first and second of this present. When the Councell was come thether, which was the next daie after, having commoned first with Sir Francis Vere, I procured an assembly not onely of the councel, but of the Deputies of the Provinces, and I offered them to open her Majesties lettres to the States, in case they found them selves thertoo to be sufficiently authorised. Which I did for good respect, for that it had bin a question in their dealinges before whether they in that place, or those at the Hage, having both like commission from the generality of the contrey, were to excercise the powre of the general States. But in this matter of her Majesty they disclaimed that authority, and put mee over to the Hage for delivery of my letters. Howbeit I omitted not to signifie the effect of those letters, and in all that I was able, to amplifie the reasons, and to pray them not to hinder the execution of my their charge. For her Highnes promise was so past, that it could not be revoked, and I had order therafter, to cause the troupes that were desired, to put them selves in present redines. They were much amazed at the matter, and used great intreatie, that no separation might be made of the English from the rest, till the campe were come to Coevoerden: upon hope that the ennemy upon the view of their numbers, would come to present composition. But conferring upon it with Sir Francis Vere, and parceaving plainely by discours, that it was but a motion to gaine a litel time, for that the ennemy is hardy and the place well provided, and finding therwithal that their marching first to Coevoerden, and then afterward to Flusshing might both weaken them in strength, and put them farre out of order, when her Highnes would be served, I persisted precisely upon the pointes of my charge, and requested them earnestly to graunt a patent to every companie to repaire to his garrison, and that there they might remaine, untill such time as they were sent for. This I urged continually, as having no kinde of liberty, to dispose in other sorte of her Majesties desseing: fol.98v
which was also so confirmed by Sir Francis Vere unto them: who continueth there in place, and hath resolved not to alter, but to prosecute the matter as I have begunne it. In the meane time because they did refuse to determin theruppon, referring mee hither to this assembly of the States, I departed from thence the next daie following, and came hether to the Hage with all possible speed. I left the campe at that time within a mile of Swoll, from whence I thinke they will not stirre, till they heare what is said by the States of this place. Yesterday morning I presented my letters in their publick meeting, which when I had heard, bring openly read (for I had no coppie sent unto mee) I noted a certaine clause, which, I am very much afraide, wil put mee to some trouble. For it goeth with condition that if the armie of the States may bee commodiously dissolved, and the forces of her Majesty which have served in the army conveniently returned, that then the french King shall have the use of those succors that are promised unto him. But, as if I had not understood it I urged very earnestly the Kinges necessity, and the importance of the matter in respect of these contreys, and proposed all the pointes of the instructions sent unto mee, without leaving to their choice, to denie her Highnes her demaund. They saied but litel as then to any parte of my speech, but as their custome is commonly in causes of consequence, they required some time to signifie their answere. They had notice of the matter before my coming to the Hage, and receaved out of England a coppie of the Contract between her Highnes and the King: which I parceave by some frindes they do highlie dislike to have bin donne without their privitie, in regard of that Contract which is made with them alredy. But if they seeme in that respect to complaine in publick place, I have matter enough for answere. I ame onely now to seeke which waie I shalbee able to reconcile the forsesaid clause, with that which I proposed, for as I learne under hand by a frinde among the States, they do minde to take hold of those woordes of the letter, and will seeme to take no knowledge, that her Majesty ment otherwise but to make her suite conditional. I will excuse it as I fol.99r
may upon the writers oversighte, and keepe the course that is begonne in preparing the companies, and in declaring plainely to them, that both the contract with the King, and her Majesties letter to my self doth apparantly signifie that there must bee no deniall. Nevertheles if they chaunce to bee so wilfull, as to stand in contestation, and to oppose against mee, as they may, it wilbee greatly behoofefull that I bee strengthened from her Highnes, with some plainer knowledge of her meaning. and becaus it is a matter of so great a consyderation, I thought with all speed to advertise you of yt and humbly to beseeche you, to write about it with the sooneste. I have certaine intelligence from the Campe at this very instant that Sir Francis Vere hath obtained patentes for his troupes, to bee placed in Townes adjoyning to Swoll, & that the rest of the campe ys marched towardes Coevoerden. I am also told assuredly that the answere of the States is redy to be sent, and ys framed upon the avantage of the point aforementioned.
Count Phillip with his troupes that have served in France is expected every houre: and as soone as they returne Master Buzenval hath in charge, to request the loane of so much monie, as may suffice for certaine monethes, to intertaine 2000 men, to be levied in such sorte as the King shall appoint. And for mine owne part I beleave, hee shall speede of his purpose. For if they in this contrey shalbe forced to surcease from an offensive warre, as mee thinkes there ys apparance, when the Englishe are departed, there wilbee somuch remaining of this sommers contribution, as the King may bee pleasured, and an overplus reserved. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 15 July 1592.