fol.57vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 29 Junij 1592. Master Bodeleie to my L. from the Haghe./
Later Addition: 29 June 92
May it please your good L. Steenwicke being yelded, wherof I have advertised the ocurrence before, it is nowe in consultation with the states that are heere, whether it were convenient to goe against Coevoerden. It is a very strong castel in the land of Drente, and is distant Southest, about 10 leagues from steenwicke: where the gar- rison of the enemie doth exceedingly annoye both Frise and Overyssel. The states of Frise doe urge it hard, alleaging that steenwicke will profit them litle, unles they may have Coevoerden. Which is answeared againe by some other of the Provinces, that their army hath bin toiled, and is greatly dimi- nished both in strength and in number: and that Coe- voerden will be found to be as strong a place as steenwicke. That it is not possible, they should speede of their purpose, except they should bring their artillerie thither: which must all be done by land, and with a mervelous charge, and daily dan- ger of loosing all. For our forces not surmouting the number of 5000 foote, and 1400 horse, and overweeried already with the services at Steenwicke, if the enemie should soddainly assemble a greater power, for which the bruit is already that he maketh preparation, they should never have the meanes, to retire their people and munition. They are come to no conclusion, because the martial com- maunders are absent from hens. But the ma- ter is committed to the Councel of estate, and to the Deputies of the Provinces, that are abiding at the campe. In the meane season those that are heere in the assembly of the states, have written their advise, that they thinke it not expedient, to under- take the siege of Coevoerden. But notwithstanding fol.56v
their writing they are in some doubt, lest the ear- nestnes of Frise will induce the Councel and Count Maurice to satisfie their humor. I would be willingly there my self, to knowe the course that is held in all their proceedinges, and to report every action assuredly unto yow. But because I doe attend, what her Majestie will determine about the sending into Britaine, and howe the offer of the states is accepted in that behalf (for to that effect they calle upon me) and for as muche as their residence is alwaies at the Hage, for which of force I should returne upon receat of any letter, I have thought it my best to continue heere still, untill that your next shall come to my handes. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. June 29 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley