Letter ID: 0394
Reference: TNA, SP 84/45/11 f.11r-12v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0394/000
Date: 03 June 1592



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 3 Junij 1592. Master Bodeleie to my L. from the Haghe./

Later Addition: 3 June 92


May it please your good L. What answears I receaved to her Majesties demaundes, for further succors to be sent to the aide of the King, I have written in my last the 1 of this moneth, wherof heereinclosed I have sent yow the transcript. The states have consulted very often sins about it, and besides their former answears, wch they gave me but by worde, and by way of commu- nication, they have written somwhat of them- selves, which they sent me this morning, and I send in like sort, with this my letter to your L. There is no other newes from the campe before steen- wicke, but that they purpose this day or to morowe to beginne the batterie. The Enemie hath sallied fourth within these 3 daies, and taken the collors of a Freeson companie, which they place upon their walles. They shewe themselves in all respectes very valiant and resolut, and are in travell day and night, to fortifie the place: so as every man presumeth, that nothing will be wonne, with out the spoile of many men. Thus I take my humble leave. At the Hage. June 3 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley