fol.128vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 25 February 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. Musterrolles to be sent by the next. Defeat given by Sir Fr: Veere.
Later Addition: 25 February 91/2
May it please your good L. there hath no occasion fallen, to write unto your L. sins I sent yow my last, the 10 of this moneth. Onely this is as muche, as I can thinke to be worthy of your L. knowledge, That wheras heeretofore the Province of Guelders, upon pre- tense of unabilitie, hath contributed nothing in a maner to the general meanes, for the main- tenance of these warres, we are in good hope, that for the good successe of the last sommers ser- vice in freeing the Veluwe, and taking in of Nieumeghen, with other places adjoining, they will be drawen to condescend to a 1000li by the moneth: which I also thinke will be augmented by the accesse of the Impost of the forsaid places.
The most of the Deputies of the general states are arrived heere already, but the extremitie of the frost and the hardnes of the wether doth stay the comming of the rest. By reason wherof there is nothing yet proposed, nor no answear yet conceaved, to the motion in- tended by the Emperors Ambassador. It should seeme by a letter of the Governor of Bruges, whiche hath bin lately intercepted, that upon the Am- bassadors advertisments, they are in some hope, to bring this contrey to a Treaty. It may be peradventure that there was never no suche mater written by the Ambassador: but whatsoever hath bin written, I see not wherupon he should take the lest occasion, to putte himself in that hope. For I am fully persuaded, that his answear will be suche, as he will wishe he had not taken this voiage in hand. Heere is nothing nowe but fol.127v
silence astouching those affaires, every man expecting when the states will assemble.
As I have bin required by the LL. of the Councel, I have procured a general Muster of all her Majesties forces, by the states Commissaries: whiche was passed long a goe, but their officers are so slowe in making their certificats, that as yet we doe want the rolles of Ostend: albeit we are advertised, that the garrison there was mustered the last moneth. Those excepted, all the rest are consigned to the handes of Master Wilkes: and assoone as those are come, they shall be copied in like ma- ner, and sent presently after. I was willed by the LL. of the Councel, to deale with the states in her Majesties name, for the passing of the forsaid muster, and for the like every moneth, or as often as they see cause. Howbeit I remembred their lordships, in my answear, of the old disagreement be- tween her Majestie and the states, about the allowance of the dead paies, and certaine other pointes to which they never yelded. In which respect I was persuaded, that if by order from her Majestie the mustering of the Englishe bandes were left to their officers, considering they will never passe the dead paies, in their muster rolles, it might prove unto her Majestie very prejudiciall. Wherupon for that I found, that I could of my self, and for suche pretenses, as I signified then, intreat this Counc- cel for the present to a general Muster, I re- frained to use the name of her Majestie. Which their LL. I hope, will interpret to the best, and signi- fie their pleasure, for proceeding heereafter.
The last letter from yow, that I have re- ceaved, was of the 18 of January wherto I doe not fol.128r
doubt, but my former answears have satisfied your L. and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. February 25 1591 Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Postscript: Immediately after the writing heerof, we re- ceaved the rolles of Ostend, whiche shall be sent with the rest, within these two daies. We have also letters from the states of Gueldres that Sir Francis Vere with the forces of those quarters hath defeated a 100 footemen of the Enemie, and taken 38 horse, which were of the Garri- sons neere adjoining.