Letter ID: 0375
Reference: TNA, SP 84/44/88 f.92r-93v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0375/000
Date: 02 February 1592



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 2 February 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. Casimirs death. M. Bilantes [answer] notwithstanding his meanes to the Contrary / Reward to the Messenger /

Later Addition: 2 February 91/2


May it please your good L. to your letter of the 18 of the last, which I receaved at this instant, because the newes are confirmed of D. Cassimires death, there is nothing to replie. The partie sent hither with the lettres of the Duke, departed from hens about 20 daies sins: and then I made him an answear, to the self same effect, as your L. required: but to the Duke himself I writte but a worde of credence. But the messenger came to late, to finde him alive. For he died, we heare, the 6 of January and the yong Elector hath taken upon him the government of the contrey. Howe desirous I was to impeache the comming hither of Monsieur de Bilandt, your L. will perceave by that which I writte the 27 of the last, which I see with other lettres, for want of a winde is not come to your handes. But for as muche as he is come, I hope that all the dealing, which I have used with him, or shall use upon occasion, that he may minister heereafter, will be still with in my boundes, and so as alwaies her Majestie may turne it to advantage. The states, it is thought, will be mette within this sevenight, who by all that I can judge, and see into their doinges, are no otherwise inclined then I have alwaies advertised: and withall I doe not doubt, but they will give the Am- bassador his dispatche out of hand. And thus I take my humble leave. At the Hage. February 2 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley

Postscript: I have promised this bearer, that if your L. shall perceave, that he used any diligence in the speedy deliverie, yow will vouchesafe to consider of his charges and paines.