Letter ID: 0373
Reference: TNA, SP 84/44/64 f.66r-67v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0373/000
Date: 27 January 1592
Copies: 1095


May it please your good L. The Emperors Am- bassador, of whose arrival at the Hage, I adver- tised your L. the 23 of this moneth, hath sur- ceased his suite, to have audience of this Coun- cel, and intendeth to expect the meeting of the states. In which respect, and for the better dis- patche of certaine deputies, which are heere resi- ding from the Bishop of Liege, complaining of the daily incursions and cruelties, that are com- mitted by certaine garrison souldiers apperte- ning to the states, upon his neutral places: and also to the end it may be knowen in time con- venient, what the Provinces have resolved, as- touching the Councels Proposition made unto them the 5 of November last (wherof at that time I [In margin: Proposicion for 900000 florins for the wars]
sent your L. the copie) for the fournishing of nine hundred thousand florins extraordinarie, to be imploied in the next sommers warre, there are letters newly written from the Councel of estate, to every Province a part, to hasten the sending of their deputies hither: So as nowe it is supposed, that they will be heere to assemble within this fortnight at the furthest. By this course of the Ambassador, the Councel of estate is somwhat overtaken. For wheras they had presumed, that he would not attend the com- ming of the states, but addresse himself to them, whereby they thought, to that effect, as I have formerly written, to make him some answear to the contreis advantage, their hope in that regard is altogether frustrat. He hath taken suche advise, as he will deale with no others, but fol.66v
the states of the contrey. Nevertheles by all that I can conjecture, there is no suspition to be had, that the states will be wrought to admitte any Treaty. To tell your L. a truth, for mine owne particular I did flatly oppose, and so did others of this Councel, against the geving of a Pasport, to licence his comming so farre as the Hage. For albeit he professeth re- ligion, and is a frinde, as they say, to the cause of these contreis, yet I though it was not otherwise to be scanned, but that he would al- waies be faithfull to his master the Emperor, and that he might not /happely/ be acquainted with the Enemies mysteries, and with the mischief inten- ded to the ruine of this state. Wherupon they were to thinke that before he would depart, without an absolut answear to the mater of his message, he would not only sojorne heere, till the states were assembled, but would deale by his ministers and letters with the single Provinces, with the principal townes, and with all those persons in particular, that might steede him in his pur- pose. And what effectes his long aboade, and secret practises might produce among a ticklishe people, that have bin alwaies in those actions inconstant and credulous, it was muche to be considered. For I thinke your L. doth knowe it, and I see it heere before mine eies, that howsoever the opinion is commonly con- ceaved, and they would have it heere con- ceaved, that the point of religion is a principal occasion of their taking armes, it is apparantly knowen, that the generallitie of the Provinces fol.67r
of Guelders, Utrecht and Overissel, are addicted to poperie exceedingly: and likewise this of Hol- land to all maner of religions: that even heere at the Hage, which is the court of the contrey, and should be best disposed, in all probabilitie, to the cause of religion, there is not in the judge- ment of those that doe observe it, a quarter part of the multitude well affected to religion: which I also meane, not onely not in hart and in deede, but not so muche as in shewe, and in outward profession. By reason wherof, and to eschewe the perill of the peoples soddaine inclination to ac- cept of a Treaty, in case that nowe in France the D. of Parma should obtene any notable victorie, I moved them rather to assigne a meeting at Berghen or Breda, and to licence the Ambassador to come thither, or to some other frontier towne, to negotiat with suche persons as they might appoint, and not to suffer him to enter into the hart of the contrey: or otherwise to addresse their letters to the Emperor himself, and to his Ambassadors at Brussels, and without any walking in crepusculo (wherein they take a great delite in all their formes of proceeding) to shewe directly the causes, that have moved them hitherto to disesteeme the Emperors offers, and to signifie plainely what they thinke, that if the motion were made for a general peace, and that the Enemie would be brought to revoke his forces out of France, they will then be very willing to come to some conference. But not- withstanding this remonstrance, it was thought most expedient, to permitte him to come hither. fol.68v

Endorsed: 27 January 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. Monsieur Bilantes comming against his will. His advise to the States for their proceadinge with him./

Later Addition: 27 January 91/92

I was with him sins his comming, but then there passed nothing but complements betweene us. Howbeit he hath sent unto me /sins/ that we might meete againe to morowe, meaning as it seemeth, and as I see by some circumstance to breake his minde about the Treatie, and to note what I will answear. As his dealing shall require, I will be very diligent to advertise your L. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage January 27 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley