fol.14vLater Addition: 10 January 91/2
Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lordes, the Lordes and others of her Majesties privy Councel.
Endorsed: 10 January 1591. Master Bodeleie to the LLes. The dealinge with the States uppon their LLes lettres for the Musteringe of the English bandes./
May it please your good LL. to be adverti- sed that your letters bearing date the 19 of December were delivered unto me the 7 of this present: by which your LL. doe require, that this Councel of state should be moved, to ap- point some Officers of theirs, to passe a present Muster of all her Majesties forces in these contreis and to doe it heereafter every moneth, or as oft as they see cause, for suche special occasi- ons as yow have willed me to signifie.
For the effecting of that, which is desired by your LL. I have taken suche order, though it be not in suche forme, as is specified in your letter, as I trust your LL. will allowe. For it may please yow to calle to minde, for the mater of Musters of the Englishe forces, there was never as yet any order taken, that was established with mutual consent both of her Majestie and the states, and jointly observed aswell by the Dutche as by the Englishe Commissaries. They have alwaies rejected the dead paies of every Company, and made exceptions to di- vers pointes of her Majesties discipline: as Master Wilkes can relate to your LL. at large, and is expressely signified in their last Apostilles to his Propositions. In consideration wherof if they should be nowe requested in the name of her Majestie and so from time to time heereafter, to proceede to the mustering of the Englishe com- panies with their owne Commissaries, and they permitted, as they have alwaies pretended, and shall also nowe be charged by the Counsel of state, fol.13v
to conclude the dead paies with the rest of the checkes, I am certainly persuaded that they will alleage it, when time is, to her Majesties pre- judice, and make it an argument, to prove her approbation of their Musters. To prevent the worst of this scruple, I have declared heere unto them, but all /as/ of my self, and not directed by her Majestie that I am charged by your LL. being greatly displeased with the weakenes of the Englishe Enseignes, which were drawen from hens for the siege of Rouen, and fearing that the rest are maintened no better, to informe my self by all good meanes of the state and strength of every bande: to their ende there might be some order for their further renforcing, and for keeping them heereafter in some better condition. For mine owne particular I lette them understand, that I had no kinde of meanes to give your LL. an assured notice of that whiche was required. For if I grownded on reportes, I might happely offer wronge to the Captaines, and abuse your LL with uncertaintie. And to take information from the Englishe Commissaries, I thought an im- perfect and deceatfull meanes, for that it was apparant that by them, and their voluntary sufferance, or notorious negligence, those disor- ders were growen. Wherupon I made re- quest that they would condescend, to send their owne Commissaries to every suche place, where the Englishe souldiers are in Garrison, and all at one time, and upon the soddaine to passe a fol.14r
general Muster: for which I would write so ef- fectually to the Governours, Commissaries and other Englishe Officers, as they should rather be as- sisted then impeached, in the execution of their charge. And if they would permitte me upon it, to take a transcript of their Rolles, I would send them presently home, to be compa- red with the Englishe certificats, whereby their abuses might be better evicted, and present order taken for some special reformacion: which would benefit this contrey as muche as her Majestie. To this demaunde they assented very willingly, and are already preparing to dispatche their Commissaries.
For as much as your LL. intention, to my understanding, is aswell accomplished by this course of dealing, as by a special Pro- position in the name of her Majestie which I am persuaded may prove prejudicial, I hope your LL. of your goodnes will vouchesafe my proceeding a favorable construction: and as I finde it doth stand with your honorable liking, I will /deale/ of my self to persuade them heereafter to a monethly, or rather to a more uncertaine time of taking soddaine Musters, wherto I make account they will be easely drawen, in case they finde it is a meanes, to redresse those abuses of the Englishe Officers. And thus attending most humbly your LL. further pleasure, I take my humble leave. From the Hage. January 10 1591. Your LL. most humble to commaund Tho. Bodley