Letter ID: 1412
Reference: Kent U1475, C18/17, fol.193r - 194v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1412/000
Date: 21 September 1591
Note: At the words 'thorowly instructed', the text continues perpendicular in the left hand margin.



Addressed: A Monsieur Monsieur de Sidney chevalier et Gouverneur de la ville de Vlissingnes.

Later Addition: 22 September 1591



Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney

Heere is nothing sturring, that is worth the writing to your L. Only as this day we are informed, that the castel of Anholt is in parley with those of Guelders. I thinke your L. hath heard of the taking of the towne, which was done by Captain Lambert, without commission from hens, and in that respect disliked: but yet the contrey is contented to reape the benefit of his service. We looke every houre for Count Maurice re- turne, till when it will not be resolved what is next to be attempted. Howbeit Nieumeghen is chiefly thought upon. I would gladly heare from yow, howe yow purpose to execut your long inten- ded surprise. Whether yow hitte or faile, there is nether danger nor disho- nor. But your L. that knoweth every circumstance, will putte in practise what is best. If your leave for England be graunted, I beseeche yow lett me knowe it some litle time before. For I would write a worde by your L. about my revocation: and withall I would intreat yow, to affourde me of your favor, if it come yow well to passe. I have all the reason in the world to alleage for my self: as your L. er yow goe, shall be thorowly instructed. Besides, I have her Majesties promise for the end of this sommer. In this or any thing els I will make that reckoning of your willingnes to pleasure me, as yow I hope will account that I am yours at all essaies. And so I bidde yow most hartely and happely farewell. From the Hage. September 21 1591. Your L. at commaundement Tho. Bodley