fol.184vAddressed: A Monsieur Monsieur de Sidney chevalier et Governeur de la ville de Vlissingnes
Later Addition: 3 August 1591
Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I told your Lordship at your being at Arnham howe muche the states are discontented with the Governor of ostend: Who continues his proceedinges so offensively unto them, as he had neede of a great St Christopher, to carie him out of the danger of a hard resolution to be taken against him. I pray yowr L. when yow knowe what is done by Master Lakes, to lett me understand it. For I can not be persuaded, that it should be to communicat any mater of suche secrecie. For his treaty about a peace was imparted by his letters: and I doubt a greater mater, or more deserving to be closely caried, he can hardely have any. Howsoever, in my opinion all his secrets and devises are but wordes and winde, and mere chimeres, which purchase in the ende the discredit of his actions. His Excellencie for Hulst, doth expect every houre some infor- macion from Count holmes, and I thinke Herupon will attempt it presently. For the contrey calleth on him, to doe somewhat somwhere. The Enemie, we are informed, doth marche to Mastricht: which causeth those of Guelders to calle againe, for the forces, to be imploied against Nieumeghen. If any thing of worthe be determined heere, or any good occurrence come to us, I will not faile to lett yow know /it/, as I wishe continually your happines in all thinges. From the Hage. August 31 1591. Your L. at commaundement Tho. Bodley