Endorsed: To Master Ferrers December 7 1591
Later Addition: Belgia 1591 7 December To Master Ferris
Later Addition: Belgia 1591. December
Sir I have receaved the letter of Sir Horace Pallavicine within yours of the 30 of November for which I hartely thanke yow: and likewise three others before, from the L. Treasurer, the company at Middlebourgh, and D. Fletcher But for- as muche as they required nothing els, but my poursuit unto the states, for the furtherance of those causes, which are depending at this present, between the company and them, I thought there was no neede to signifie any more unto yow, then I had written once before. For I pray yow be persuaded, and vouchesafe in my behalf to persuade the company, that I will be very carefull, to accomplishe their desire: not onely by procuring the speedy ans- wear of the states, but by dealing as I am able, that their answear may content yow. Howbeit it falleth out commonly in affaires of importance, that the assembly of the states con- sisting of certaine deputies of the severall Provinces, their autoritie and power is so strictly limited by privat instructions, as they will not alter any order, that is prescribed by their Principals, howsoever they be solicited. The time prefixed of their generall meeting is the 20 of this moneth, in their account: but their appearance is commonly fortnight after: at which time I will be ready to calle for their answear, and to perfourme what- soever shall be further requisit. And so recommending my service and best affection to yow and the Company, I commend yow to God. From the Hage. December 7 15[91] Your most affectionat and ready frind [[.]] my power, Tho. Bodley.