Later Addition: Belgia. 1591 19 October To Master Bodly
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591. October
Right worshipfull after our very harty commendationes having had knowlegd that the States generalle had an Intentione, to appoint an order concerninge the taringe of englishe Clothe, notwithstanding our many reasons and earnest entreaty to Induce them to the contrary, as namely repugnant to auncient custome and the entercourse, we thought good to be suitors to her moste excellent Majestye for her Letters, that their said intentione mighte be stayed untill further conference one bothe partyes: Which having newly obtained we understood that the States had already sett forthe their placaert concerninge the foresaid matter, and further in prejudice of our trade (as we take yt) had put a very large and straunge Imposte upon our cuntry commodity: which their doing we first imparted to the Lorde Highe Treasurer our very good Lorde, and after by his order to the states Agent in England with our Doleaunces against the same: And nowe lastly we are bolde to addresse this bearer our secretary to your worshippe, prayeng you to be a means one our behalf, (according to her Majesties pleasur) that he may bringe with him from thence the States resolutione, or at least wise aunswear upon her Majestyes Letters which he hathe, and their Agentes wryting: herin you shall binde us to be thankefull in all that we may, as knoweth god to whose blessed tritione we committ you: From Middelburch the 19th of October &c. 1591: Your worshippes to commaunde the Deputie Associates and generality of the Fellowshippe of Merchauntes adventurers at Middelburch./ Thomas Ferrers. deputy.