fol.209vEndorsed: To my L. Tresurer August 31 1591
fol.209rLater Addition: [Belgia] 1591 31 August To my L. Treasurer
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: August
It may please your good L. to be advertised that the resolution of the states for the order of theyr traffique is sent to Master Caron, with a lettre to her Majesty. which they caused this morning to be signified unto mee. The forces of these countreys continew still in garrison, & there is nothing yet concluded about theyr employment, Those of Gueldres & Utrecht wold have them returned to the siege of Nieumegem, the states of Friseland are earnest for Stenewick, Holland for Bolduke, & Zeland for Hulst. which was the enterprise intended, when the army was dissolved, & hath depended every since, till certain captaines shall returne, whom the count hath employed to take a view of the countrey. It is thought the attempt of Steenwick would prove overcostly, because the Town hath bin fortefied since the shew that was made to besiege it this sommer It hath besides in garrison 1200 souldyers, Ether Nieumegen or Bolduc might be gotten more easily, if the Ennemies forces were furder removed, & wee cannot yet surmise for what occasyon they should linger so long in a place. We are newly now advertised that they marche now to Mastricht, & that the Duke is still at Brussels. Wheras your L. hath required me of late to do some good for Master Winter, I have caused Don Alfonso, & Pedro Francesco to write unto theyr friendes to sollicit his deliverance: which they do, as they seem very willingly & earnestly. For I have thus agreed with them both with the privity & liking of Master Winters servant, That altho they be men of greater account, in respect of theyr experience & service in the warres then Master Winter, yet in procuring him to be presently released, they shall both bee set at liberty with out payeng any ransom For a far lesse somme, then I parceave Master Winter would disburse to be Dl will content the captaines of this contrey; for the foresayd prisoners. & I hold my self assured that Count Maurice in that will take a favorable order. I am the lesse out of hope of good successe in this matter, because Alfonso I heare is neere of kynne to the D. of Parma, & the other it is knowen hath served the Duke thes 22 yeares & did govern him greatly in all his exploites as no more about him. It is all my feare which is also theyrs, as they signify unto mee, that Mondragon a spaniard & an ennemy to theyr nation will nether make any rekoning of them, nor of any thing the Duke shall request in theyr behalf. &c. August 31 1591.