fol.186vEndorsed: To my L. Tresurer July 24 1591.
fol.186rLater Addition: Belgia. 1591 24 July To my L. Treasurer
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: July.
May it please your good L. There were of our souldiers that came this morning to the Count with certayn lettres of the Ennemy, which they had intercepted, among which there were 2 of Vasseur a secretary of theyr state & of great authority among them. I have sent your L. the transscript of them both, supposing it nedefull, that the tenor of the one declaring it nedefull expressly, that there is order out of Spain for the Duke to go for Fraunce, & likewise of the other conteyning the specialities of the Ennemies forces expected out of Germany, should bee spedily notefied to her Majesty. For wee did never make acchount of more then 1500 horse, & some few ensignes of foot that
May it please your good L. There were of our souldiers that came this morning to the Count with certayn lettres of the Ennemy, which they had intercepted, among which there were 2 of Vasseur a secretary of theyr state & of great authority among them. I have sent your L. the transscript of them both, supposing it nedefull, that the tenor of the one declaring it nedefull expressly, that there is order out of Spain for the Duke to go for Fraunce, & likewise of the other conteyning the specialities of the Ennemies forces expected out of Germany, should bee spedily notefied to her Majesty. For wee did never make acchount of more then 1500 horse, & some few ensignes of foot that they had levied in those quarters. Whether the Veador to whom our lettre is addressed bee at Brussels or Anwerp wee kannot certainly learne, for it was omitted in the endorsment of the letter. I signifyed in my last the 23 of this moneth, that the D. was marched from Nieumeg[en] towardes the Maese, with intention as now it is certifiyed to pitch his cane at Maestricht. How bee yt we know it not otherwise then by these intercepted nor wee are not yet assured, if hee leave any garrison in Nieumegen. Being otherwise desolate of a present messenger, I requested Master Allen the bearer hereof, to cary these lettres of purpose, which I hope will stand with your Ho. good liking & I am certain hee will use all possible diligence And so &c. Arnham July 24 1591.