Later Addition: Belgia 1591. May.
Later Addition: Belgia 1591 17 May To Master Bodly
After our harty Commendacions. Her Majestie understanding that the King of Spaines Fleet is come into the narrow Seas, and is doubted wil make some attempt or incursions on some part of her Majesties dominions to the annoyance of her Subjects, hath thought fit to let yow know so much requiring yow to let the States of Holland understand that forasmuch as her Majestie is presently to put in readines and set to Sea her whole Navy to resest or prevent such attempts as the Enemy may do as is above said, for which purpose she hath alredy sent such her Ships as lay neer at hand to impeach any hostile acton to be attempted from Dunkerk or those partes to the west partes of this Realme her Highnes thincketh it very needfull that such warlike ships as are in Holland should be presently sent to ly before Dunkirke to withstand whatsoever in the absence of her Majesties Ships may be attempted to remaine there and uppon that coste until the returne of her Majesties Ships emploied as above said for some certeine knowledge of the Enemies purpose to be farther signified to yow from hence. We have to the Like intent written to Sir Robert Sidney and therfore the matter being of so great importance her Majestie doubteth not of yowr carefulnes in the end and speedy accomplishment of the premisses with al ernestnes, and to advertise us speedely of yowr proceedinges. And so we bid yow hartely farewell. From the Cowrt at Theobaldes, the xvijth of May 1591 Your Loving Frends William Burghley H Derby Charles Howard Hunnsdon John Wolley