Later Addition: Belgia 1591 9 Aprill To Master Bodly
Later Addition: [Belgia: 1591: April]
Later Addition: Master Bodeley
Sir. By letters which this vearie daie wee have heare recevid from Sir Edward Norris that falleth owt to be trewe, which soe longe was dowbted by him towching the besedging of Ostend, for that a great part of the Dukes forces are abroade comen into thos partes, & the Duke himself either at Bruges or shortlie to be theare: heare uppon hir Majestie hath written hir letters to the States sharpe- lie reprovinge them for the little Care theie take either to defend that place, or /do/ anie thing required, by hir howesoever reasonable or important the same is, as also for countermaunding hir late direccion both to Flusshinge and Berghen, for the goinge of the certaine Bandes from thos two places to Ostend: And she hath besides written hir letters also at this time both to Sir Robart Sidneie, & Sir Thomas Morgan sharpelie reproving them, that they did not (notwithstanding the states staie) send thos Compa- nies, according to hir former direccion to them, as namelye two Companies from Berghen, and one from Flusshinge, which by hir lettres at this time she hath expreslie willed them to send to Ostend: My Leisure will not serve mee to send yowe anie Copie of hir Majesties lettres to the States, or to write of anie other matter unto yowe at this time, savinge I have thowght good to lett yowe under- stand, that Sir Edward Noris writeth hither, that of all such thinges as he hath required from the States, they have onelie sent him fowre lastes of powder: this with the rest of their ungratefull dealinges, hir Majestie would ha[ve] yowe plainelie to make knowen to them. And so in hast I commend mee to yowe./ From the Cort this ixth April 1591. Your vearie Lovinge frend William BurghleyPostscript: I have wrytten my opinion to Master Norrys that he [ought] not to spend the Contributions at his own will but [.] it is that the Q. Majesty hath comanded hym to cause [a] stay to be made of part of the Contribucions for the workes and defence of the town. of long tyme for which hee beare at [[.]]