Later Addition: [Belgia] 1591. Stilo Romano 21 March To Master Bodly
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: February
Sir. Your letters of the xth of Marche, are the latest that came to my handes before this daie, and thowgh theare be noe spetiall Cawse wherin your letters that requireth awnsweare, yet I thowght it good to advertise yowe of the receipt of your letter, with the Contentes whereof hir Majestie beinge acquainted by the reading thereof hath accepted both your thankes to hir Majestie and your discreate service of late in the staienge of the Bandes for their comming from the places of their charge in such sort, as she hath expreslie willed mee to Commend yowe for the same. Untill the daie I cann heare nothinge from Sir John Norris, whearebie groweth great hindrance to the service that was ment into Britaigne, but yet by one Clause in your letter, I have been satisfied in that yowe write that the people are well pleased with hir Majesties demand beinge framed to their mindes./ For the Project which I sent yowe to notefie the just Cawses whie the States owght to refuse the offers of a dessembled peace from the K. of Spaigne, by the meanes of the Emperor: hir Majestie cowlde be well contented that anie good occasion cowld be taken to have the same pub- lished, with Addition theareunto of anie other matter that might concurre to fortefie the same./The matter of Ostend doth continue hir Majesties Care the rest in so much as she hath geven direccion if the States shall neglect the succouring of the towne, as hath been required by the Governor, to aide them with three Companies in hir paie to be sent to that towne, and likewise theare is sent from hence two lastes of powder, with certaine pikes, besides two other lastes sent in Januarie last the which I have had much order to obtaine of hir Majestie, but that I have perswaded hir that the same shall be discharged by the Composicions and Contribucions awnswerable at Ostend: wherefore yowe maie doe well to deale with the States in vearie ernest manner that theie doe permitt the Contribucions of that towne to be imploied to discharge this Extraordinarie Burdens not due by hir Majestie, And also to serve for the defence of the towne, aswell to fortefie yt against the Ennemie, as against the Sea: and seeinge at this time the Duke threateneth the siege of the towne, and likewise hath geven order; to refortefie the townes and fortes of Oldenborowgh, and Blankenborowgh, and theareby to offend the towne of Ostend to be the more easelie besieged: yowe must ernestlye presse the States, even for the honnor of the Cawse, and to avoide obloquie of the worlde by neglecting the succor of that towne fol.113v
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: March:
to yeld all helpes requisite, both of men, Municion, and victuell, perswading them as in trewthe yowe maie, that theare is noe towne in all the United Provinces that doth more detriment to the Ennemie than Ostend, neither cann theare be anie more direct meanes to impeache the Dukes Jowrnie into France, than to mainteine this towne to be hable to make Incursions into Flanders. Wherefore hir Majestie would have yowe to use all the meanes you cann possiblie to further this Action: And so I take my leave for this time praieng yowe to have sum Consideracion in the sending of your letter by messingers, for that I finde them verie chargeable in de- maunding allowance for everie letter, that they cann recover at your handes, when in very trewthe it appeareth the messingers come for their owne perticuler Cawses. from the Court at Grenwych. 21 March 1590. Yowr assured loving frend William Burghley