Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: March
Later Addition: 1592. sti. Rom. 12 March to Master Bodly
Endorsed: Master Bodley
Endorsed: [[Waad]]
After our harty Commendacions: Whereas we are informed by our very good L: the L: Willougby that there is a debte due unto his L: by the Estates generall, for the tyme that his L: was Generall of her Majesties Forces in the Lowe Countreis to the some of one thowsand fyve hundreth thirty three poundes and nyntyne shillinges, wherof 220li ys due to his L: for his entertaignement as Governor of Bergen Ops Zome, and the rest beinge 1313li 19shillings for the entertaignement of a Companie of horse; which debt thoughe yt hath ben often demaunded by his L: of the Estates generall, and that aswell the Queenes Majestie as wee have written earnestly heretofore that Consideracion might be had of his L: just demandes havinge borne the office of L: generall of her Majesties Forces, and geven them and those Countreis just occacion by his well deservinge of that State that more speciall regard should be had of his L: Nevertheles, those meanes as yett, which his L: hath used, nor the mediacion of her Majestie and us, could prevaile to procure his L: that satisfaccion which ys due unto him: But contrarily his L: hath nowe of late, both geven us to under stand that certaine moveables and goods of his owne are there detayned under arrest upon pretence for the hyre of a house, which as his L: informeth us, ought to be defrayed by the said Estates generall, and for these respectes hath made earnest suite unto us that he might be parmitted to arrest and staie some goods belonginge to the subjectes of those provinces under the said States, for the recovery of those sommes, which are due unto his L: and the assurance of his goods there detayned: Wherein we are hitherto, loath to yeeld that anie suche Course should be taken that might breede troubles to anie of the people of those provinces, But have Caused the Deputies lately sent hether from the States to understand his L: greifes and request, whoe have promised to doe their best endevour at their retorne to procure his L: just satisfaccion to his Contentment: And where his L: hath one other suite which hath likewise ben heretofore recommended to the said States aswell by her Majesties owne lettres as ours towchinge certaine Bands of twoe thowsand pounds forfeyted to his L: by Martyn de la Failla and one Haunce Bernard concerninge the rannsome of the said de la Failla whoe was his L: prisonner, which suite as we are informed is nowe brought before the said States and there dependinge after many delayes, to his L: great Charges and expences in the prosecucion therof, but without effect hetherto; we have thought good to make you acquainted therewith, to the end you maie take occacion to deale somwhat earnestly with the States in her Majesties and our names, and to pray them to have suche Consideracion of a noble man that hath imployed him selfe to his great detriment for their good, and borne that Charge and governement there, that his L: maie not be occasioned to importune her Majestie and us (upon refusall to doe him Justice) to take those Courses which they knowe Cannot but breede great inconvenience and yet in justice cannot be reasonably denyed to his L: Soe hopeinge you will omytt noe oportunity or good meanes to procure that his L: maie have satisfaccion at the hands of the States in these Causes, we byd you hartely farewell: From the Courte at Greenwich the Seconde of Marche: 1590 Your Lovinge freindes John Cant. Christopher Hatton: Cancellor William Burghley Charles Howard Hunnsdon Cobham Thomas Heneage Fortescue