Endorsed: To Captain Audley &c. February 18 1590
Later Addition: Belgia 1591 stilo Romano 18 February To Captain Audely
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: February
Sir, I have certified her Majestie what great inconvenience will be found in cassing of the companies, and in holding backe their lendinges. For not only the contrey will be damnified by it, but her Highnes service very notablely impeached. In which respect your speciall discretion is very greatly requisit in conducting this action. For mine owne part, the best advice that I can give yow, which is also the same that I give to every other, is to forbeare from discharging the souldiers till yow heare a litle further of her Majesties plea- sure. For assure your self the very first winde will putte us all out of doubt, howe we should proceede. In the meane season I have wished Master Kennet, unles his order out of England be to the contrary, to continewe the lendinges, which I trust he will accomplishe: as also I doubt not but yow for your part will be carefull to see that /the/ companies with yow, doe not pretend the want of lendinges before thei have cause: wherof, if any disorder should ensewe, the fault will be imputed to the captaines ill conduction. /To be [.]/ In effect, /it/ doth stand yow muche upon to proceede in this mater, with a singular moderation /circumspection/, for that it importeth very highly the service of her Majestie which I recommend most effectually to unto yow your goodlie circumspectiom, and committ yow to God. From the Hage. February 18 1590. Your most assured loving frind. Tho. Bodley.