Later Addition: Belgia. 1591. stilo Romano 9 February To my L. Treasurer
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: February
May it please your good L. to bee advertised, that where her Majesty vouchsafed, as your L. writ unto mee the 27 of the last to repute mee a fit instrument, to moderate in matters between Sir John Norreis, and Sir Francis Vere, I have had no occasion to employ my self in that respect; For I do assure your L. Sir John Norreis hath caried himself with great discretion, and conversed very friendly aswell with Sir Francis Vere, as with Sir Thomas Baskervile, and all the other Captaines. The like good endevoure hath bin also in Sir Francis, who resolved with him self, before the arivall of the other, that in respect of her Highnes service, whatsoever matter of his owne might have moved his patience, hee would tread it cleane under foote, and advise every other to take the like course. To saie but a truthe unto your L. I do finde him so consyderate and carefull, to do her Majestye honor in all his accions in these countreys, and his sufficiency is such for the accomplishing of that, that belongeth to his charge, as her Majesty may expect very singular service at his handes. For that I do assure my self, whatsoever hath bin treated between the States & Sir John Norreis hee himself by his letter will certifie at large, I will not trouble your L. with that which is past. The 5th of this moneth hee departed from hence towardes Zeland, and the next daie after sent Captaine Crips with letters to the Captaines in the Province of Guelder enjoyning to bring awaie their troupes, or if the Countrey should refuse to provide them of meanes, to marche quickly awaie that then every Captaine should casse his owne companie, and appoint a Rendevous to the Souldiers, either at Flushing or at the Briell. It can not bee gainesaid, but that her Majesties intention for the use of her forces elswhere, doth apparantly tend aswell to the good of these countreys, as to the preservation of her owne, yet undoutedly heer, except wee do observe that course of proceeding, which the state of their affaires & the peoples humor do require, it may growe fol.66vLater Addition: Belgia: 1591 February
very dangerous, to execute her purpose. In this respect Sir John Norris and I do somewhat differ in judgement. For hee doth seem to understand, that her Highnes commandement for the having of the subjectes from hence, is paremptorie, and that without regard of the States opposition, or to other perils in apparence, it ought to bee effected, But I do gather an other meaning by her Majesties Instructions, that if nether the States will assent to her demand, nor convenient meanes can be found, to drawe the Companies from hence, that then Sir John Norreis should returne, without attending further order. First for the States, I did never see them so perplexed, as they are at this present, nor I never knew the common people, to take any thing more to hart, not so much in respect, that her Highnes doth require to have the use of her subjectes, as becaus they are in dout, that they shall not be returned, and becaus they are thus called very suddenlie awaie, without any warning to the Country, in a greater nomber then they may spare, and by waie of cassing the companies, which they are greatlie afraid, will turne their estate to some notorious inconvenience. Many good reasons have bin used to make them alter their conceits, and to parswade them effectually to a better liking of the matter, but first they signifie flatly, that they cannot if they would without the privity of the Provinces dismisse any forces, and then againe, since this lettre was begun to bee written to your L. the States have assembled as they terme it collegialiter, and coming in as wee sat in the Councel of State, declared with great earnestnes that for the good of the Countrey, and for the acquital of theyr owne duties, they had given in charge to their Officers, in all quarters, where the Englishmen were placed, that they shou[[ld]] not be assisted with any vittailes, ships, or nedefull [provision] to passe out of their garrisons, and that they had made [a] Protest against Sir John Norreis proceedinges, which they w[ould presently] sent unto him by a messenger of purpose. And withall [they] delivered there to mee an authenticall [Insinuation] of the [said] fol.67rLater Addition: Belgia 1591: February
Protest, wherof I will enclose the transscript in this letter. They have also sent the like to Sir Francis Vere, Sir Thomas Morgan, and Sir Edward Norreis. I for my part made that answeare there unto them, which I thought to bee fittest for the appeasing of their passions. I signified that I was in good hope, that they would better consyder of her Majesties request, since it streched no farther then 3 or 4 monethes, & would be greatly beneficiall to the generall cause, And in the meane season they were to conceave, that her Majesty had no meaning, to have any thing in this accion tumultuosly attempted, or to endanger their estate in any respect, & thus your L. may parceave how the State are affected to Sir John Norreis proposition. Secondly, for that which is left to his direction, for drawing awaie the companies by cassing or otherwise, how unpossable it is without imminent danger to these Provinces, the ruine of the Companies & present losse of those Townes, in which the English onely are in garrison. I leave to your L. to conjecture, for help they shall have none of the Countrey people. And when the souldiers are discharged and consequently dispersed, and left to their liberty, it is generallie supposed, that not half of the nomber will repaire to Sir John Norreis. Many no dout, will put them selves in other Companies, Some will home into England, and others to the Enemy or elswhere, and a very great parte of those in spetiallie that are tied heer by mariage, will remaine in these countreys. For as I am informed by divers Captaines, there are of those that are wived heer above 40 in a band. Having certified your L. how troublesome this matter is growen to the State, and how hardly it can bee compassed, without much inconvenience, I would most willingly understand, what her Highnes wilbee pleased to command mee therin. & so I take my humble leave. From the Hage the 9th of February 1590. postscript fol.67vEndorsed: [[To my L.]] Treasuror [[February]] 9. 90
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: February
Postscript: The bearer hereof Captain Spring had the charge of a Captaine in the Portugal voyage & hath served as Lieutenant /in/ is these Countreys 5 yeares together, if there should bee occasion to use him in the services towardes in Fraunce, I am to witnes to your L, that hee hath the report of an honest and any able souldiar.