Later Addition: 6 January Master Bodly
Sign Manual: Elizabeth R
By the Queen. Trustie and welbeloved we greet you well. Where of late we did by our Letters will you to impart both to the States generall, and Councell of State our disposition for the ayd of the French kinge, to have the use of some of our bandes of footemen being there in our pay, to be by us employed in some service against the Spani- ardes that have invaded Brittanyne and to obtayn their liking and assent thereunto, Wherein we hope you ha[ve] accomplished our commandement: We doe now for execution of this our necessary purpose being proffitable both for those Cuntries and ours, but of all others most necessary for the french kinge, send our trustie an[d] welbeloved servant Sir John Norris knight to renew this our former request to the states, and consequently to make choice out of all companies serving there of the number of three thousand foo[te] in orderly bandes, and them to take into his charge and to cond[[.]] them by sea as we have directed him Wherefore we have comm[anded] him to make you thoroughly acquainted both with our Commiss[[ioners]] Instructions, and thereuppon our pleasure is that you shall [/re[.]/] him to the States and Councell of State, and in all thinges to [[.]] of your power further the service now committed to him accord[[.]] Commission, and by your good advise to procure that the same [[.]] performed with the good will of the States and of the Cuntry[[.]] matter that percase at the first will not be plausible, but by[[.]] reasons as the said Sir John Norris and your selfe may use to a[[.]] our request: we hope the same shall have good successe where [[.]] dition of tyme is of most moment to our purpose intended under our Signet at our Mannor of Richmond the vjth daye [[Jan-]] uary 1590 in the xxxiijth yeare of our raigne.