A lettre to Master Boddeley signifieng that her Majestie is advertised aswell from the Lord Thomas Howard (being now with a Convenient fleete between the Coast of Spaine and the Isles of Azores) as by other good meanes that their is expected from the Indias this yeare, a verie great and rich fleet, such as in no yeare hearetofore the like hath bene; supposed to be worthe at the least 20 millions, and to be retorned about thend of August next And for asmuchas the Queens Majestie for her parte is willing of her selfe to mak out some strenth of shipping to attempt the intercepting of the same; and would be gladd to be there in assisted with some convenient nomber of good shippes of that Contry, and can be contented that her freindes and allies now in action against the king of Spaine should be partakers of the bootie and Comoditie that shall grew thereby; her pleasure is that with all dilligence uppon the receipt herreof, he shall repaire to Counte Morice and make overture upon him of this her Majesties intention, and with all to deale and parswade with him, that either of him selfe, with advise and allowance of the States, He will arme forthe for this purpose, tenn good Shippes, the least to be of the burden of C Tonnes well manned, and furnished, and to victuled for five monethes from the daie of their departure. From the portes where they shalbe prepared, And for the better advancinge therreof he is required to treate particulerly with some of the States or Counsaill about him such are of most creditt and aucthoritie and maie best further the motion geving them to understand that in this adventure (yf they prevaile) they shall have as large and equall parte of the Treasure and other prize that shalbe taken, as the shippes of her Majestie and of her subjectes, acco- rding to the rate of their burden, the number of their men and victuell he is required for their better inducement here unto to laie before them the publique benefitt that maie grow hereby, aswell to them selves as to her Majestie and the Frenche Kinge, not only by enjoying them such a masse of treasure (yf god so blesse the enterprise; but by preven- ting the dessignes, of the said Spanish Kinge; intended to be execu- ted by meanes of the same: which wee leave unto you to be further amp- plified.