fol.350vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 31 August 1591. Master Bodley from the Haghe The Enterprise of Stenwyck misliked.
Later Addition: 31 August 91
It may please your good L. to be advertised, that the resolution of the states, for the order of their trafficke, is sent to Master Caron, with a letter to her Majestie which they caused this morning to be signified unto me. The forces of these contreis continue still in garrison, and there is nothing yet concluded about their imploiment. Those of Guelders and Utrecht would have them returned to the siege of Nieu- meghen: the states of Friseland are earnest for steenwicke: Holland for Boisleduke, and Zeland for Hulst, which was the enterprise in- tended, when the army was dissolved, and hath depended ever sins, till certaine Captaines shall returne, whome the Count hath imploied, to take a viewe of the contrey. It is thought the attempt of Steenwicke would prove over costly, because the towne hath bin fortified, sins the shewe that was made to besiege it this sommer. It hath besides in garrison 1200 souldiers. Ether Nieumeghen, or Boisleduke, might be got- ten more easely, if the Enemies forces were further removed: and we can not yet sur- mise, for what occasion they should linger so long in a place. We are newly nowe ad- vertised, that they marche to Mastricht, and that the Duke is still at Brussels.
Wheras your L. hath required me of late, to doe some good for Master Winter, I have caused Don Alfonso, and Pedro Francesco, to write unto their frindes, to solicit his deliverance: which they doe, as they seeme, very willingly and earnestly. fol.349v
For I have thus agreed with them bothe, with the privitie and liking of Master Winters servant, That although they be men of greater account, in respect of their experience and service in the warres, then Master Winter, yet in procuring him to be presently released, they shall bothe be sette at libertie, without paieng any raunsome. For a farre lesser summe, then I perceave Master Winter would disbourse to be delivered, will content the Captaines of this contrey, for the fore- said prisoners. And I hold my self assured, that Count Maurice in that will take a favo- rable order. I am the lesse out of hope of good successe in this mater, because Alfonso, I heare, is neere of kinne to the Duke of Parma: and the other, it is knowen, hath served the Duke these 22 yeres: and did governe him greatly in all his exploites, as no man more about him. It is all my feare, which is also theirs, as they signifie unto me, that Mondragon a spaniard, and an enemie to their nation, will nether make any reckning of them, nor of any thing the Duke shall request in their behalf. And thus I take my humble leave. At the Hage. August 31 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.