fol.139vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 13 Junij 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L./
Later Addition: 13 June 91
May it please your good L. I am newly come to Dorkum, whiche is from Groeninghen half a daies jorney: and heere I have mette with the Councel of state. The Count is come with all his forces, and is already encamped, with in a litle English mile of the towne of Groenighen, It is thought that by this he hath stopped all the passages, that they can not be relieved with provi- sion of victuall. But we can not yet learne what stoare is in the towne. Verdugo hath di- versly endevoured to putt in a Garrison, which they within withstand very stoutely: and, they say, it is a cause that they are greatly devided.
Upon the first arrival of the Court, the Enemie was stricken, with so great a terror, as they abandoned presently 15 places of strength: of which the grea- test part were sconces and fortes, that might well have abidden the shotte of the Canon. Howbeit to animat the towne, and to hinder our approching, Verdugo is encamped between us and the towne: but under savegard of the canon, and, by common conjecture, with some 1400 men. It is thought he is in hope to intertene us that way, till the towne my be succoured with farther forces from the Duke. Who, as we are informed, is comming thitherward in person, with 5000 foote, and 600 horse. Whether it be to come directly thither, or to invade some other place, while we are busied in these quarters, we can not yet understand. But the Count hath left behinde in Guelderland and Utrecht 15 enseignes of foote, and half a cornet, to impeache his attemptes. And yet the Frisons are so farward in the extraordinary furtherance of this present enterprise, as they have renforced the army with as many newe enseignes: so as yet we doe fol.138v
recken that they come at the lest, that are in these partes, to 12000 horse and foote. Because I knowe not very well, howe my letters from hens will be safely conveied, by reason of my going so farre into the contrey, and because they must passe through many mens handes, I doe ther- fore purpose, accordingly as mater and messengers are presented, to send your L. sometimes the double copie of a letter. And so I take my humble leave. From Dorkum. 13 June 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Postscript: Before I had shutte up my letter, we had freshe intelligence from Count Maurice, and from sundrie other places, that the D. of Parma for certaine hath passed the Rhine, and doth advance his comming with all possible diligence. Whether we shall attend, and encounter with him, wherto as it seemeth, Count Maurice is bent, or shall take some other course by retraict, or entrenching, as the Councel is inclined, who thinke the state of the contrey will be otherwise hazarded, I can not yet signifie. But they determine this morning to goe towardes the army, to conferre with Count Maurice. This is every mans hope, that the army of the Duke shall be destitute of meanes, to continewe long in these quarters, for want of victuall.