fol.340vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasuror of England.
Endorsed: 17 April 1591 Master Bodeleie to my L. The offence of the states towardes Sir Edward Norris. The Eleccion of Counte Maurice to the Government of Gueldres./
Later Addition: 17 April 91
Your L. may remember, that at Midsomer last the states of Guelders made choise of Count Maurice, to succeede the Count de Meurs, in the government of the Duchie of Guelders, and the Countie of Zutphen. The Councel of state, and likewise the Count himself lett them then understand; that the forme of their Election was against the 24 Article of the Treaty with her Majestie by which it is provided, that in every suche vacation of a Governor, the Province it self fol.339v
shall nominat two or three persons, of which the Councel of state shall make election of one. The states of Guelders therupon writte letters of intreaty in December last, that albeit their order of proceeding was not wholy in forme ac- cording to the Treaty, yet because Count Maurice was sufficiently qualified, and the meetest person for the place, that it would please the Councel in that respect, to dispense with the forsaid Article, and ratifie the Election already made. It was a mater muche debated in sundrie consulta- tions, and as I am persuaded, had bin quietly caried against the meaning of the Contract, but that I opposed somwhat earnestly against it. For I urged precisely the observation of the forme, alleaging mine othe that bound me unto it, a particular charge by reason of my place, and the danger of the consequence, if the Councel should dispense with any point of the Treaty. For as it was concluded by her Majestie and the states, so in case of dispensation, without her Highnes assent their actions were frustrat. Wherupon for that time there was nothing done in that Election. But as this day those of Guelders ether fin- ding of themselves their owne error, or admo- nished from hens by some of the Councel, have uelded to proceede as the Treaty requireth, and [.] in a newe nomination have joined Grave John of Est Frise with Count Maurice. Howbeit, the other being named but for forme, the Election of this Councel is past upon Count Maurice. Having no other mater to advertise your L. I take my humble leave. From the Hage. April 17 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Postscript: Heere is come intelligence right nowe, that the companies in Guelders, which were sent, as in my last I advertised your L. to surprise the towne of Straelen, have taken the repulse. There are two Englishe Captaines a litle hurt, to witte Captain Wray, and Captain Clifford, of the common souldiers some twenty, and seven or eight slaine.