fol.247rAddressed: To the right honorable my very singluar good Lord, the Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 16 Martij 1590. Master Bodeleie to my L./
May it please your good L. I sent my last before this the 10 of this moneth, wherein I made answear to her Majesties letter of the 1 and to divers of your L. of several dates. Howbeit in certaine pointes I was driven untill this time to differ mine answear: partly for that it required some lea- sure, to use suche conference and inquirie, as might satisfie her Majestie partly also for that mine answear depended upon the resolution of this Councel, whiche I could not so speedely procure as I would. We have often bin together about the affaires of Ostend, wherein they have bin moved, as her Majestie required, and as earnestly as might be. But they againe are as instant to have her Highnes advertised, that whatsoever shall be needefull for defense of the place, against the sea or the Enemie, shall be carefully provided: and for the accomplishing therof they have written there unto their officers, to certifie particularly howe every thing doth stand. But they knowe no considera- tion for which they should be induced, to streng- then the towne with 2 companies more. For they stand precisely upon it, that the companies there already, which are 8 at this present, are more then are needefull. And touching that which hath bin signified by the go- vernor unto them, that the D. of Parma is bent and prepareth to surprise, or besiege, or distresse it some way, they doe not understand it to have any good grownde: and their officers there in place, which never faile to in- forme of every speciall occurrence, advertise no suche mater. And albeit it were so, they fol.248v
repute them selves well able to relieve it in extremitie. The Governor, they thinke, is therfore desirous to increase his nombers, that he might make a better warre upon the Enemies contrey. But they on the other side are per- suaded, that although his exploites may somwhat weaken the Enemie, and thereby benefit the con- trey, yet any overthrowe that may be given to the troupes, that he shall send abroade, will more endanger the towne, and endommage their estate, then all those litle warres can turne to their good. There are yet besides some other respectes, for which the Councel doth refuse, to assent to his demand, as they themselves will declare in their letters to her Majestie.
I have also recommended unto them her Highnes motion, for the enlarging of his pay: wherein they promise heereafter to doe somwhat as thei may, and as they see the contributions of those quarters will stretche therunto. But as nowe, they say, they are enforced, to husband all unto the uttermost, to beare their necessary charges. The present intertenment which is given unto him is 40li a moneth, which is more then they allowe, to any other governor of any garrison towne of theirs: excepting Monsieur Fauma Governor of Hoesden, who in consideration of his charge, being General of the Artillerie, hath also 40li monethly, and no intertenment for that office. I can not learne by inquirie, that there is other preparation of shipping, by those of Graveling, Dunkerk, or Newport, then hath bin usual heretofore. They have bin busier of Late, and more abroade fol.249r
then at any time in sommer, because the shippes of the states are wont in Winter to returne, whiche is the time the others observe, to exercise their piracie, But nowe the season is againe, that the states doe enter into conference, about the setting fourth of their shippes: which time I doe attend to pro- pose in their meeting her Majesties pleasure.
That the Enemie could prevaile, in stopping Ostend haven by meanes of his shippping, it is not thought by Count Maurice, or by any that I have asked, ether likely or possible. Because I have seene that letter, which was lately written to your L. from Sir Francis Vere, wherein is certi- fied in part, what is thought upon this sommer to be exploited by the states: and because it partly belongeth to Sir John Norreis report, to whome the states in that mater have signified som- what of their purpose, I will not troble your L. with a double rehersall. The just acccount that they have made, howsoever in publike they deli- ver it otherwise, is to bring at lest into the fielde 8000 foote, and 1800 horse. I have made no mention heere as yet, of the cause that was solicited by the Deputies of Flushing. For I have alwaies understood, that the victuelles of Flushing, to whom Captain Wingfild and Ran- dolphe were indebted, have receaved long agoe, some part of satisfaction of the towne it self of Flushing. How muche I am not certaine, but I will endevor by some meanes to knowe the certaintie and certifie your L. For as yet I am per- suaded, that the Deputies pretence in the behalf of the widowes, is a litle peece of cunning, to re- cover that from her Majestie whiche the towne hath disboursed. Howbeit if it falle out otherwise, fol.249v
and as they have informed, I will present the mater to the states, to be ended, in suche sort, as your L. hath proposed. Your L. letter of the 25 of February which was consigned to the towne of Harwiche, to be speedely sent hither, was brought but yesterday unto me. The towne of Nieumeghen is muche molested every day by the sconce that is before it, which we made the last sommer. They have deputed their governor, two Burgmasters, and 4 burghers, to shewe the D. of Parma, that unles with a time, which they have limi- ted unto him, they may be freed of that fort, they will presently fall in Treaty, with the states of those contreis. This is written to Count Maurice from a frinde with in the towne.
Although in writing to your L. it may but ill beseeme me, to preferre other causes, then are per- tinent to my service: yet at Master Gilpins very earnest request, I can not refuse in his behalf to solicit your L. with all humble intreaty, that his late petition for succeeding his kinsman John Gilpin, may be heard with suche favor, as ether your L. may vouchesafe of your self, or by your honorable meanes may be easely procured. Being greatly charged, with a familie of chil- dren; and having nothing in assurance, for the stay of his living, he is very carefull in minde to provide himself of some estate. Howe well he hath deserved for his painfull endevors in her Majesties buisnes, and also for hereafter howe muche it may behoove, to have his service heere continued, as no man can consider better then your L. so I putt him in good comfort, that no man will be readier to reward or recommend him, when occasion is presented. fol.150r
It is the opinion heere of many, and the like is advertised by divers out of Brabant, that the D. of Parma is staied for ether going himself, or sending into Fraunce. For the newe supplie of succors, that shall be sent from the Pope, and are to come out of Spaine, is thought enough to serve the turne for any purpose in France. And in that respect it is reported, that these great preparations of the Duke in these contreis, are wholy for the warre, that he is bent to make heere: and that his prin- cipal designe is to besiege Breda.
Notwithstanding that answear, that I have given to the Councel, as your L. willed in your letter of the 23 of February they are sutors once againe, that I should move her Majestie in their behalf for the aug- mentation of the 4 horsebandes, that are heere in her Highnes pay, to the nomber of a 120. They are thorowly persuaded, that if her Highnes would referre it to their agreement with the captaines, they could take suche order, as they should all be contented, as these contrey captaines have bin already, to accept the allowance of 20 shillinges for every horse, and to have their armor of the contrey, whichshall be deducted upon their pay in three monethes. Whereby they inferre that the whole for so litle space, as they demaund it, which is but 6 or 7 monethes, will amount but to the summe of 700li sterling, or therabout.
Being very solemnly and earnestly intreated to motion this againe, as a mater of that nature, that may greatly advance the services towardes, and growe in the whole to a very smalle charge, I leave it to your L. to be reported to her Highnes and take my humble leave. From the Hage Marche 16 1590. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley