Later Addition: [[B]]elgia [[15]]90 December [M]aster Bodly
Sir. It hath pleased hir Majestie at this time by her ernest letters to the States to recommend to them the Cawse of my L. Willowghbie towchinge the Ransome of Martin de La Faille: In what sort his L. demaundeth her Composicion or other particularities of the matter. I thinke it neadeles for mee to write of to yowe, for either yowe have been hearetofore sufficientlie acquainted thearewith, or I am sure my L. Willowghbie will cawse the same to be made knowen unto yowe: Onelie my request to yowe is that yowe would as yowe maie have oportunitie, deale ernestlie and effectually with the states according to hir Majesties lettres that his L. maie receive contentacion having as theie knowe well deserved by his late good service in that Cuntrie, both of them and the Cuntries all good usage, althowgh their slack dealinges in other matters maie geve suspicion of their forwardnes hearein: which if it should soe fall owt would be verie displeising to hir Majestie./ And so I Commend mee hartelie to yowe./ From the Cort at Richemond the xvjth of December. 1590 Your vearie Lovinge frend. W Burghley