Later Addition: Belgia: 1590. December.
Later Addition: Belgia [.] [[Dec]]ember [[To my]] L. Treasurer
May it please your good L. yesternight the generall states sent their Greffier unto mee with an awnswer to her Majesty in the matters proposed by Master Wilkes and mee, To the end that your L. might presently have yt I tooke no leisure to paruse yt, but red yt over coursory wise & caused a coppie to bee speedily written, which I have joyned to this letter, beseeching your L. to impart yt with her Majesty. I did never yet imagine that they would frame any awnswer to satisfie her Hig[nes, yet I thought yt should have made a more plausible showe, then theyr other Awnswers heertofore to the self same demaundes, but to my understanding yt hath bin apparant of a long time, that because they have resolved to gouvern all alone, they will seeke indirectly to frustrate the Contract, & to free their estate of her Highnes autority. By the date of theyr Apostilles it is 2 monethes ago, that all was concluded, which I knowe not whereuppon they have staied in theyr handes, It is said that their Deputies departe within these 2 daies, who as I do understand do openly refuse to deale in other causes then the matter of traffique. Nevertheles they have taken a transcript both of our propositions & the foresayd Apostilles, & have secret Instructions, how to awnswer to any thing that may bee objected. As yet I have not heard from your L. what her Majesty doth intend about the lettres to the Provinces for which in my opinion the Oportunity is lost, but yf her Highnes will vouchsafe to signe that one, for Monsieur Buis, to the states of Utrecht, yt will stand him presently in steed & give him cause to bee parswaded, that his honest endevors are gratefully remembered. Ever synce Co. Maurice missed of his purpose in the enterprise of Donkerk wee have had in a maner cessation of armes, the Co. being busied in his govermentes of Utrecht & overyssell, wher as yet he remayneth. The Councell of state hath required the states generall to move the Provinces for an extraordinary levy of 3000 foote & 300 horse to be employed in the field for half a year, what successe yt will have I cannot signify but the assembly of the states is earnestly bent to the furderance of yt & have made to that effect a Remonstrance to the Provinces.Wee are secretly advertised, & as yt is conceaved, very truely, that the ennemy doth provide for the present surprise of some spetiall place which is supposed (for as yet wee have no certainty) to bee either Berghen or Breda, By reason whereof they have sent Master Gilpin to Berghen & an other to Breda to forewarne the Gouvernors. Howbeyt theyr chiefest feare is of Berghen. Where the Enemy hath lately assayed with promises of great rewardes to move the lady Morgan to parswade her husband to revolt, But for the discharge of theyr dewties, they have delt as yt seemeth very discretly, espetially the Governor, of whom & of all the practise of the enemy, & also of that which hath passed about yt, in the Councell of state I will write your L. in my next. It is advertised from Bruxelles that the D. of Parma doth assemble the states of those countrys, as yt is thought in Andwerp, & for a new contribution, as withall yt is signified, that there wilbee at the assembly fol.333v
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590 December:
Endorsed: To my L. Treasuror by Perseval December 7 1590
two Deputies from the Emperor, with comission to propose unto them & with them a general peace to the united Provinces The brute that is abroad of this proposition, the suddain retourne of the D of Parma & the Liguers desyre to come to agreement (for so yt is reported) doth putt many men in belief, that K Phillip is dead, which is the effect of as much as I can signify at this present, for which I take my humble leave. December 7. 1590.